How Things Work- LED bulb

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  1. what is your technology trying to solve? what is its purpose?

an led light is a semiconductor light source that emits light when current flows through it. infrared LED’s are used in remote control circuit, such as those used with a wide variety of consumer electronics. when a suitable voltage is applied to the leads, electrons are able to recombine with electron holes within the device, releasing energy in the form of photons. LED’s burn light 90% more efficiently than incandescent bulbs. LED’s work by passing an electric current through a microchip, which causes tiny light emitting diodes to illuminate. 95% of the energy in LED’s is converted into light and only 5% is wasted as heat.


2.  form and function (How does it work?): What are its main parts and what do the parts do? How does it use or generate electricity?

so some of the main parts of an led light that i found from researching are: the lens, the E26 base, and the led driver. the lens directs light from the centre of the source to the reflector, which then sends out a controlled beam in whichever direction it is designed to. The E26 base is any bulb or lamp that utilizes the E26 cap or base for mounting and electric contact. you can always recognize any E26 bulb by looking at the bottom, or non-light emitting side of the bulb. And lastly, an LED driver is a self contained power supply which regulates the power required for an led or array of led’s. the light emitting diodes are low energy, lighting devices with a long lifespan and low energy consumption, hence the requirement for specialized power supplies. there are typed of led drivers, led drivers are either used externally or internally. internal led lights are commonly used in domestic LED bulbs to make it easy when replacing the bulbs. external led drivers are housed separately from the LED’s and usually used for applications such as outdoor, commercial, roadways lighting. these types of lights require separate drivers which are easier and cheaper to replace. most of the LED bulb failures are due to the failure in the driver, and it is easier to replaces or repair the external driver compared to the internal driver.




a) what are the strengths and weaknesses of your technology?

the weaknesses of an led bulb is due to the low power of a single LED, its luminance remains fairly low. more LED’s are required to be connected in parallel, such as automobile backlights. more LED’s lead to higher cost, although the cost of a single led is not high.

the strengths that an led bulb would be the long light lifespan of it. easily the most significant advantage of LED’s when compared to traditional lighting is the long lifespan. the average led light lasts 50,000 operating hours to 100,000 operating hours or more. that is 2-4 times as long as most fluorescent metal halide, and even sodium vapor lights. it is more than 40 times as long as the average incandescent bulb. another strength of an led bulb would be the energy effidiecny. led’s consume very low amount of power the statics to look for when comparing the energy efficiency of different lighting solutions are called by one of the two tems: luminous efficacy or useful lumens. these two items essentially describe the amount of light emitted per unit of power (watts) consumed by the bulb.

b) In your opinion, is it a satisfactory solution to the problem it is trying to solve?

in my opinion, yes it is a really good solution because of its energy efficiency because it is 80% more efficient than other light bulbs. unlike other energy-effficient typed of lighting, an led bulb doesnt emit a polluting radiation so it doesnt cause a health hazard. i also really like the fact that they have a really long lifespan and you can use them however long you want and they wont burn up like normal light bulbs do too often.









A Fresh look at the periodic table









My partner and I organized our new periodic table by making two big  hexagon shapes and make little parallelogram shapes inside of the two hexagons. we arranged the elements on our new periodic table by putting the metals and the non-metals in the same hexagon, but separated them by making them different colours, the metals are orange and the non-metals are yellow. We also separated the families on the first hexagon, so the alkali metals and the alkaline earth metals are orange since they’re metals, and the halogens and the noble gases are yellow because theyre non-metals.


another way we arranged them is, we put the Transition metals/basic metals in a different hexagon, coloured them all blue and went in order of atomic number. and also we put the hydrogen element separate from all the other elements in a triangle shape in the second hexagon paper.


the 6 D’s

Define and Discover:

We are trying to think about ways to make a new periodic table that would be more visually appealing ,people having  better understanding of it, and just re-creating it and making it look more creative and colourful.

  • what could we change up without messing up and still having people understand it?
  • what should be kept the same for sure?
  • how many patterns, shapes, and colours will we use?




What information does the periodic table tell you?

the periodic table tells us about the different families, the number of protons, atomic number, atomic mass, neutrons and electrons in each element, as well as the ionic charges of each element. it also tells us about how each element is either solid, liquid, gases, non-metals, and metals.

How could you arrange It differently based on its chemical and physical reaction?

  • we could arrange them by their atomic numbers highest to lowest
  • we could arrange it by putting them in order of their families
  • we could arrange them by their ionic charges negative to positive
  • we could arrange it by separating the metals and non-metals


what different shapes could be used?

  • could have the metals in one shape and the non-metals a different shape
  • we could have the same shape for the alkali metals and the alkaline earth metals and a different shape for the halogens and the noble gases



How can you use colour?

  • we could colour the alkali metals and the alkaline earth metals the same and colour the halogens and the noble gases different


  • we could use the same colour for the metals and a different colour for the non metals
  • we could colour is based on its atomic mass



What is your plan?

our plan is to make two hexagons, divide the first one into half an arrange it by splitting the metals and the non-metals, having a different colour for metals and a different colour for non-metals. put the names of the families beside the elements, put the transition metals in the second hexagon, colour them blue and putting them in order by their atomic numbers.



My partner and I organized our new periodic table by making two big  hexagon shapes and made little parallelogram shapes inside of the two hexagons. we arranged the elements on our new periodic table by putting the metals and the non-metals in the same hexagon, but separated them by making them different colours, the metals are orange and the non-metals are yellow. We also separated the families on the first hexagon, so the alkali metals and the alkaline earth metals are orange since they’re metals, and the halogens and the noble gases are yellow because theyre non-metals.


another way we arranged them is, we put the Transition metals/basic metals in a different hexagon, coloured them all blue and went in order of atomic number. and also we put the hydrogen element separate from all the other elements in a triangle shape in the second hexagon paper.



there are many ways we could’ve improved our plan, but one of the biggest improvements we could’ve made was probably using our time wisely. we spent way too much time thinking about planning the whole thing instead of just committing into starting it and so now our whole project is overdue and we’ve had to rush it and get it done so we were stressed and not relaxed at all while doing this last minute.

another way we could’ve improved our plan would be doing the final copy better. it did take us a long time doing it last minute, but we still could’ve done a better job on the final copy. but overall i’m very proud of what we created and how we actually committed into doing this even though it was very last minute work and stressful for the both of us.






smart goal reflection

what was your goal?

my goal was to not turn my light on in my room for a week. I used my little nightlight that works with battery and had to use my phone flashlight sometimes because my nightlight doesn’t give out much light but other than that, I pretty much lived in the dark for a bit.

did you achieve it? how or how not?

yes, I achieved my goal. I achieved it by again, using my little nightlight and sometimes my phone flashlight and honestly, sometimes It would be difficult when I needed to for example get something from my drawers or my closet because it was very dark obviously and I couldn’t see properly and clearly.

what was the most challenging part about achieving your goal?

the most challenging part about achieving my goal was probably, trying to see stuff in the dark or when I wanted to grab something that I needed like my phone or my Chapstick etc. and sometimes trying to do my homework and couldn’t really see what I was doing but other than that, I actually like the dark and my room is usually dark or at least half dark because very bright places hurt my eyes and then my head starts to hurt so, I actually quite enjoyed trying to do this goal because it wasn’t much different form my everyday life.

what would you try doing differently next time?

I would probably try and not turn the light on even for the shortest amount of time that I did last week and ONLY used my flashlight and nightlight for everything.

will you continue with this type of goal? if you do, explain what you will do. if not, explain why you are satisfied with where you’re at.

yes, I would definitely continue with this goal because it is less use of electricity and also because it isn’t too much of a challenge for me since I actually kind of enjoy being and living in dark places and don’t like rooms with too much light in them.

What is at the bottom of the ocean?

My name is Sara and my research question for science is what is at the bottom of the ocean or what we could possibly find at the bottom of the ocean. So, about 95% of the ocean is unexplored and to this day no one knows what that 95% 0f the ocean has or if the creatures of that part could possibly be dangerous. a Blue whale, which is the biggest animal on earth can go until the well lit zone of the ocean which is approximately about 330 feet deep. At 831 feet, it is known to be the deepest free dive in history, and down there the pressure is so intense that it could destroy and crush most humans lungs, but whales could possibly manage diving all the way down to 1,640 feet down where they hunt squids. A little farther than 3,280 feet down, it is known to be deep enough that the sunlight cannot reach it so it would be pitch black. A lot of animals cant see down there, like the eyeless shrimps that live down at 7,000 feet where the temperature is just a few degrees above from freezing. At 20,000 feet, we would reach the area for the oecans deepest trenches like the mariana trench. The mariana trench is about 11,033 meters (36,201 feet), so no human would survive down there obviously. So in conclusion, 95% of the ocean hasn’t been searched or explored so no one knows what is down there yet.




Gray Turtle

cr: Brady knoll