Final lit circle project

A letter to Sherman Lexie

Hi, my name is Sara Hosseini and I am a grade 9 student at Riverside secondary school. I am writing this letter, because of an English assignment that we are required to do based on a novel that we read. The novel we read was actually yours, “The Absolutely True Story Of A Part Time Indian”. In my opinion, this novel was very well written, the way that you’ve mentioned all of the issues that Junior goes through is just so interesting but also very sad because of the fact that he loses so many people and is going through such a difficult time, and we get to witness all of it. The problems that Junior is having in his life are very realistic to a lot of people in the world and I think that you did a very good job portraying it. This novel really changed my view in life because I’ve gotten to know the privileges that me and a lot of people around me have, especially Caucasians. I also liked the way you showed the way that white privilege works in the real world by making Junior go to Reardon and seeing white people his age get the things that he simply could not afford or could get, because I don’t think that some people realize that white privilege very much exists and still deny it to this day despite the injustices against people of colour that are going on in the world at the moment. I also really liked the way that you portrayed Rowdy in this story. I really like his character and find him interesting because of the way that you show his life in the story and why he acts the way that he acts towards people. Also the way that you brought awareness to alcoholism and how dangerous it can be not only towards the person drinking it, but also the people around them was amazing, and I really think it is important that people are very careful and sensitive with that topic. Overall, I genuinely enjoyed reading “The Absolutely True Story Of A Part Time Indian” and would read it again for the first time if I could because I enjoy reading about realistic things in the world and this novel portrayed it really well.



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