silver lining

Because of this pandemic, we are all unfortunately stuck inside of our homes, bored. For my silver lining during the two weeks that I couldn’t leave the house, I did a few things, some useful and fun and some not very much. For one of my silver linings, I decided to talk about when I made a bunch of milkshakes and other weird drinks. I decided to make these drinks when I saw a random tutorial steps and ingredients on Tik Tok last week. It was very easy to make and it only included two ingredients that I already had at home. My other silver lining would be about how I downloaded Roblox and got very good at it in such little time. I made some great progress on the games and I am also proud of myself for getting so many wins in Fortnite when I downloaded it at first. I also made M&M cookies that I saw someone make on Tik Tok. They were very good and also very fun to make. I think that this pandemic is horrible and I am hoping that its over soon so everyone can get back to their normal lives. And honestly, being stuck at home for me wasn’t bad at all, yes it was very boring at times, but I figured out stuffed to do to get rid of my boredom, like, making those drinks and also just being with my family since I didn’t get to see them that much when school was in session. Overall, I had a lot of fun doing those stuff, and hopefully everything is back to normal again.





a picture of one of the drinks that I made

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