All about me discriptive writing

Hi, my name is Sara. in this paragraph, I will be talking about me and a bunch of random facts about me. I am a 14 year old girl who loves to watch YouTube, go to the movies with friends, and go shopping at the mall. I attend riverside secondary school and I love coming here everyday, seeing all my friends and being able to interact with so many people, it is very interesting learning so many new things everyday. One of the random facts about me is that I have a 3 year old brother, he is very stubborn and annoying but also very adorable. I have lots of goals for the future like one of them being, travelling with my friends. Some of the places that I would really like to travel to would definitely be Los Angeles, New York, France, Italy, and I would also want to go to turkey because, I’ve spent most of my childhood there and haven’t been there in a long time so, I think that it would be very interesting to go back and visit some of the places that I used to go to everyday.

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