smart goal reflection

what was your goal?

my goal was to not turn my light on in my room for a week. I used my little nightlight that works with battery and had to use my phone flashlight sometimes because my nightlight doesn’t give out much light but other than that, I pretty much lived in the dark for a bit.

did you achieve it? how or how not?

yes, I achieved my goal. I achieved it by again, using my little nightlight and sometimes my phone flashlight and honestly, sometimes It would be difficult when I needed to for example get something from my drawers or my closet because it was very dark obviously and I couldn’t see properly and clearly.

what was the most challenging part about achieving your goal?

the most challenging part about achieving my goal was probably, trying to see stuff in the dark or when I wanted to grab something that I needed like my phone or my Chapstick etc. and sometimes trying to do my homework and couldn’t really see what I was doing but other than that, I actually like the dark and my room is usually dark or at least half dark because very bright places hurt my eyes and then my head starts to hurt so, I actually quite enjoyed trying to do this goal because it wasn’t much different form my everyday life.

what would you try doing differently next time?

I would probably try and not turn the light on even for the shortest amount of time that I did last week and ONLY used my flashlight and nightlight for everything.

will you continue with this type of goal? if you do, explain what you will do. if not, explain why you are satisfied with where you’re at.

yes, I would definitely continue with this goal because it is less use of electricity and also because it isn’t too much of a challenge for me since I actually kind of enjoy being and living in dark places and don’t like rooms with too much light in them.

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