digital footprint

  1. how might your digital footprint affect your future? give at least two example

1. an example of how your digital footprint can affect your future is socials media. when you were younger like 15 or 17 for example, your brain is still developing and you do and say a bunch of dumb stuff that you shouldn’t. so an example of why that could affect your future is, if you for example don’t like a certain person in your teenage years or they’ve done something to you or one of your friends and you want to get back at them, you might’ve wrote something bad or disrespectful like maybe something racist about them on the internet so now your disrespectful words will always stay on the internet. and for example now if you want to get a job and applied for it, the person that is considering to hire you could easily search your name up and see those disrespectful comments that you wrote and change their mind about hiring you.

Person Holding Iphone Showing Social Networks Folder

picture cr: tracy le blanc

2. another example would be like the opposite of example number 1. so this example would be like doing something good, important and helpful to others, like for example volunteering for something with a good cause like helping people/animals or even doing bigger and better things than just volunteering and maybe you will end up on the news or social media for doing something good and positive and in the future your opportunities of getting a job or a career will be a lot bigger.

Group of People Holding Arms

picture cr: Pixaboy

2) describe at least three strategies that you can use to keep your digital footprint appropriate and safe.

  1. a strategy that you can use to keep your digital footprint safe is to make sure to look over a tweet/video/comment etc. before posting it because it could have something in it that might offend some of the people that read/watch it.

Man Wearing Gray Suit Besides Woman

picture cr: Jopwell

2. another strategy would be related to the first one, so if you’re not sure that the thing you’re about to post could possibly offend or upset someone, you could always ask someone like your parents, a friend or maybe even a teacher to look over it for you and double check.

3. another strategy would be not posting rude and disrespectful comments on the internet, so always write kind and positive stuff online.

3) what information did you learn that you would pass on to other students? how would you go about telling them?

Footprint on Sand

picture cr: Elviss Railijs Bitāns

something important that I’ve learned is that your digital footprint could actually be very important in your future and especially in your future opportunities like getting a job because your boss could just search your name up and see if you’re fit for a job and what your background is and if you’re not fit and they find bad things written about you or find the disrespectful things that you’ve written on the internet that is now public, then finding a job might be very difficult in the future. and I would go by telling other students is, maybe if I see them posting something that shouldn’t be posted or is somehow disrespectful, i could maybe tell them so they could take it down before more people see their post.





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