Archive of ‘Grade 9’ category

Biotechnology and Solution Fluency

Debrief- This topic was a very intriguing and hard topic to research. Even though the topic was exciting to learn about It consumed a lot of my time and energy. This project was very different from anything I have done and was a change in the way I would have done it. My group and I had to research a lot about prosthetics and watch the video multiple times to get the information that we needed. The project was very time-consuming and hard to do if you were not into your topic. Overall, I enjoyed my video because it thought me a lot and showed me just how much prosthetics and evolved over the years. I am glad that I chose this topic, and I would recommend it to others.


Information Fluency

1. What questions did you need to research in order to create your sway?

To create my sway, I first searched up my basic information and followed it with some more complex information. Then I made sure then my research was right and that my websites were trustworthy. I used questions like who discovered the element mercury, what is mercury significance, and what is its periodic table information.

2. What new or familiar digital tools did you try to use as you worked through this project?

For this project, I used multiple websites and articles. I used some of the websites from the riverside library and I used other websites from the past. Something new I used is sway using sway was interesting and hard to figure out.

3. What was the process you used to investigate the topic and how did you verify and cite the information you found?

I research my information with the questions we had to answer then I checked if other people have used this website and if it was real. I also searched up the information and made sure it was right by looking at other cites. I used a citation website to cite my work. I used a trustworthy website to cite my work called citation machine which is converted my work into different citation formats.

4. How did the process of completing this challenge go? What could you have done better?

Doing this assignment was fun and easy. I learned a lot about this element and its background from this assignment. The process of this assignment was first doing all the research then looking at other sites to make sure that the research was right. Something I could have done better was using my class time wisely and I could have been more on task. I could have done this by sitting beside different people.

HCE 9 – English Write

Banksy mural showing pigeons in Clacton

When I look at the picture “Birds on a Wire” created by Banksy I see many things that relate to today’s life. Such as the racism the picture is representing. The picture shows two groups of birds. The group on the left side shows a group of 5 pigeons holding signs saying that migrants are not welcome and telling the other bird to go back to Africa. On the right hand, it shows a small green bird by itself. When I look at the picture it makes me think how lonely and distant the bird feels. When looking at this image It makes me sad because the pigeons’ parents have not taught them how to properly respect and accept other birds. This reminds me of the word inclusivity because the birds are being inclusive to the small green bird. I think the author is trying to show us that this picture is the same as our life right now because the birds are representing humans rejecting each other think they are better than others which is not true. I think the author did an incredible job showing racism and how it compares to our world today.

Grammar Video Project –Subjects (simple and complete) and predicates (simple and complete)



 Simple subject: The main word or phrase that a sentence is about. 

Complete subject: The simple subject and words that describe it. 

Simple Predicate: The verb that tells what the subject does/is. 

-Complete Predicate: The verb and words that describe it.


Our grammar rules are subjects and predicates. Every complete sentence, it includes simple and complete subjects and predicates. Starting off with a simple subject, it is the main word or phrase that a sentence is about. In the sentence “Bobby was eating cotton candy”the simple subject in this sentence is Bobby because that is the main word that the sentence is about. In addition to a simple subject, there is also a complete subject. A complete subject is the simple subject and words that describe it, it is like the describing wordIn the sentence “Joe, the astronaut went on the moon, the complete subject is “Joe, the astronaut” because that is describing what Joe isWe also have simple predicates. Simple predicates are the verbs that tell what the subject does/is. Simple predicates tell the reader what the subject is doing. An example of a simple predicate is “The tree swayed and fell during the hurricane”. In this sentencethe simple predicate is “swayed” because that is the verb that tells us what the tree is doingFurthermore, this leads us to our last one, complete predicates. Complete predicates are the verbs and words that describe it. Meaning they are the words that modify and complete the meaning of the sentenceIn the sentence “He ran a long way”, the complete predicate is “Ran a long way” because it is the word that describes the verb. In conclusion, it is important to recognize the small parts of a sentence and remember the rules of subjects and predicates. 

Test Questions: 

1) Steve sang loudly at the karaoke bar. What is the simple predicate in this sentence?  

  1. A) Steve
  2. B) Loudly 
  3. C) Sang
  4. D) Karaoke bar

2) The rock flew and squashed the banana.  The rock is the subject. Squashed the banana is the complete predicate.


3) The boy ate the apple. The simple subject is the boy. 


4) Sarah, the artist, is painting a picture. What is the complete subject in this sentence? 

  1. A) Sarah
  2. B)The artist
  3. C) Painting
  4. D) Painting a picture

 5) Joe failed his math test. The simple subject is Joe. 




Answer key:

#1 Answer: Sang  

#2 Answer: True  

#3 Answer: False  

#4 Answer: The artist 

#5 Answer: True  





Eggs At Home

Part 1

Classic Eggs Benedict

When you feel like eating a nice egg for breakfast why not add some bread and Hollandaise sauce to make a nice tasty and filling egg benedict.

Egg Tacos

Breakfast tacos recipe

When you feel like eggs with hashbrowns just eat a nice spicy egg taco.

Epic Breakfast Tacos

Egg Skillet

Sausage and Egg Skillet - A Breakfast Skillet Recipe

When your feel like a nice savory dinner, try eating an egg skillet. It may be designed for breakfast but it is so tasty and filling that you can eat it whenever you want.

Hearty Breakfast Skillet

Part 2



Indigenous Exploration-Residential Schools


  1. Your experiences creating this assignment.

While creating this assignment I had lots of fun learning about residential schools. I also learned lots of news facts and lots of history about Canada.

  1. Your group’s path in researching the topic.

For the reaching, we used some of the sites that Ms. Henderson gave us. We also searched the Kamloops residential schools and used some trusted sites. Then we came tighter and made the script.

  1. Obstacles or items you learned in the recording.

While recording we had a lot of obstacles. While recording there was lots of noise from the fan and there were parts where one person would be talking loudly, and another would be

quiet. Also, while recording we could not stop laughing so we had to block each other out.


  1. Critical Thinking … How does your artifact tie in with what you have learned before? How has your thinking changed? What made it change?
    The assignment ties with what I learned before because I have learned about residential schools before and the impact on the first nations and doing this assignment taught me more about it.

A Mountain Journey Questions

1. What was Dave Conroy doing out in the wilderness? (motivation)

Dave was in the wilderness because he’s a trapper and a hunter and he was skiing in order to reach the cabin.

2. At what point does the reader know the protagonist is in serious trouble and not likely to make it to MacMoran’s cabin? (plot)

The Reader knows that David is going to be in trouble because on his way to the cabin Dave’s hands and feet became completely frozen.

3 .. What three critical mistakes did Conroy make? What are some of the things he could have done to prevent himself from freezing? (plot)

Three mistakes he made were

  1. Trying to start a fire with his wet ski poles
  2. Climbing the mountain when his hands and feet were frozen
  3.  Holding his bag up the mountain instead of leaving it, which would have made it easier for him to climb the mountain.

4. Determine the elements of plot in this story: exposition, complicating incident, 3 crises, climax, and the denouement.

Dave Conroy is the exposition of the story. The complicating incident is not stopped at the tree to set up camp. Falling into the ice, not drying himself off and he can’t set the matches. The climax is when he lies down to rest and he hallucinates that he died.

5. Describe the setting – how does the setting affect the plot and the theme of the story? What is the theme – write a theme statement for this story.

The setting is a cold and rocky place in the mountains during winter. The setting affects the plot in any way but one example is if it was not winter then he would not have fallen off the frozen trail and he would not have frozen.

6. Find one example of a symbolic setting (a concrete place that represents something abstract) and explain its meaning.

Near the end of the story, he saw a white cabin which made you think was near to his end.

7. Quote four images from the story that make effective comparisons (figurative language: simile, metaphor, and personification)

“The snow like a blanket covered his body and the wind blew snow at his face”

“That tree, like a strong and’ lonely woman” (pg.92)

“His fire slept with him”

“The loud wind howling” (pg.93)

1. Eternal- Lasting or existing forever; without end or beginning.

2. Immobility- The state of not moving; motionlessness.

3. Opaque- Not able to be seen through; not transparent.

4. Reverberation- A continuing effect; a repercussion.

5. Momentum- The quantity of motion of a moving body, measured as a product of its mass and velocity.

6. Cadaverous- Resembling a corpse in being very pale, thin, or bony.

7. Congregated- Gather into a crowd or mass.

8. Inundation-  A flooding

9. Beggared- Reduce (someone) to poverty.

10. Filched- To take something in a figurative manner.

The Friday Everything Changed Questions

1. Why are the boys so upset at the idea of the girls carrying the water bucket?

The boys are upset at the idea of the girls carrying the water because carrying the water is a way of showing that you are a strong and big person. Carrying the water also lets them skip class and gives them freedom. So if the girls carried the water there would be no way for the guys to show that they are tough or have some freedom during school.

2. What strategies do the boys use to pressure the girls to give in? How do the girls react?

The boys used violence to pressure the girls. They also bullied them threaten them and teased them. The boys also tried to take away the things that they love like softball. The boys also tried to tell Alma’s cousin to tell them that carrying the water is not fun and is tiring. The girls reacted by becoming closer friends and stronger so that they could try and fight back.

3. Who is telling the story? What does she think of Ms. Ralston and the conflict over the water? From what point of view is the story told?

the person who is telling the story is one of Alma’s classmates. Alma’s classmate thinks that Ms.Ralston does not know about the problem between the two groups. She thinks that when Ms. Ralstons hits the ball the argument will be over. The story is told in the first-person point of view.

4. What is the setting (provide evidence). How does the setting intensify the conflict? What kind of conflict is it? (provide evidence for each conflict)

The story setting is placed in an old rural school in the 1950’s. this intensifies the story because back then the girls had fewer privileges which means the girls got beaten and abused more.

5. Who is the protagonist? How do you know?

The protagonist of the story is Alma because she is a round character and she is the person who asked the question that started the story.

6. In what way has everything changed that Friday? What is the significance of Ms. Ralston’s action in the last paragraph? What is the message (theme) the author is exploring?

Everything changed that Friday because for the first time the girls were carrying the water. In the last paragraph, Ms.Ralston says next week Alma Niles and Joyce Shipley will go for the water.” the message of the story is that girls should be allowed to do the same things as boys and that they should not be treated differently.



  1. Galvanized- To simulate someone into taking action
  2. Remotest- Having very little connection with someone
  3. Intoxicated- Not thinking/brain is full
  4. Ominous- dark and mysterious
  5. Supplementary- Completing something
  6. Folorny- Lonley/Abandoned
  7. Earnestly-Accurate/ Intense conviction
  8. Gloating- Being content with something you did
  9. Transfixed- Becoming motionless from astonishment
  10. Pirouettings- Doing a pirouette

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