Community Connection

Who did you interview including their roles and responsibilities?

I interviewed Sarra Pirmohamed. Sarra Pirmohamed is currently a student at Simon Fraser University. Sarra is currently in her 2nd year of biomedical Physiology where she is learning about the human body. Sarra has a background in life sciences such as chemistry, biology, and physics. Sarra is currently studying to be a doctor and has served in external relations at SFU. Sarra has multiple roles and responsibilities one of her roles is contacting doctors, physiotherapists, kinesiologists to speak at events.

Why did you choose to interview that individual?

I chose to interview Sarra Pirmohamed for many reasons, one of the reasons I chose to interview her is because she is becoming a doctor and she is inserted in sciences. I like Sarra also want to get my doctors and have an interest in sciences. I choose to interview her because I like how she was successful in getting into the doctor’s program and by interviewing her I knew that I would learn things that would later be helpful in my life. I knew interviewing Sarra would be interesting because I would see how the process of getting your doctors would be and that to me is interesting. I have always wanted to become a doctor or get a job in the medical field and I knew interviewing Sarra would give me an idea of how to become one. Overall, I chose to interview Sarra because I knew it would be a good time to learn about this and it would be an interesting adventure.

What did you learn from the interview and how does that connect with your passions/interests?

I learned a lot from this interview. I learned how to deal with my mental health. I learned that you must keep a balance in life to be successful. This interview showed me you must make sure that you don’t stress too much, and you don’t put too much pressure on yourself, you can do this by taking breaks throughout the day and clearing your mind. I also learned about the medical world and how it works and the pressure it puts on you. This connects with me because I am interested in going into the medical world and knowing how to work it is helpful. Learning about how to take care of my mental health is also important because if I want to be able to become a doctor, I am going to need to be able to have good mental health.


1.     Can you explain your roles and responsibilities with your current positions?

I am currently a 2nd-year Biomedical Physiology student at SFU, where I have been learning about the human body, how it functions and moves, as well as getting a background in the life sciences including chemistry, biology, and physics. I am studying towards attending medical school and eventually becoming a doctor. I also serve as the external relations officer for the Biomedical Physiology and Kinesiology Student Association at SFU. My roles and responsibilities include contacting people to participate or speak at our events. These people include doctors, physiotherapists, kinesiologists, and many more professions.

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2.     What obstacles have you faced to get you where you are today?

Growing up, my family was not the most well-to-do, and I found myself not having the same opportunities that my classmates and friends had. I struggled with mental health issues throughout my childhood and adolescence, and I attended therapy for a number of years to help resolve them. My parents also split up when I was 12 which put a further financial burden on our family, as well as more emotional stress on my brother and I. However, I feel that these experiences have only made me stronger and more resilient, and helped push me to become the best person I can be.

3.     What advice would you pass on to someone interested in what you are doing?

The advice I would pass on to someone who also is interested in pursuing a career in medicine is to try and maintain a balance in life. School and application requirements for medical school can be very demanding, and it is very easy to get overwhelmed. This is why it’s important to take breaks and find some time for the things and people you love so that you are able to handle the obstacles that are thrown at you. I find that even taking 10-minute breaks from studying to go for a walk with my dog or spend time with my family makes a huge difference in helping me with my studies

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4. Why are you passionate about your job or role?

I am passionate about what I do because I know I am working towards a position where I will have the ability to help people in need. I have always been passionate about being able to help people in any way possible, and with medical education, I would be able to do so much more to assist people. Furthermore, I love learning, so being in school to learn about science and medicine is very interesting to me, and I find myself always wanting to go further and learn more than what is required. This keeps me engaged and passionate about what I do and what I am working towards.

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5.     What inspired you to pursue this courier?

I have always had a passion for science and active living and wanted to pursue a career where I could combine both of those passions. Helping people is also super important to me and I wanted to find a career where I could make that a big part of the job. Whenever I went to the doctor or the hospital as a kid, I was always mesmerized by the knowledge and abilities of the doctors and nurses. This solidified my interest and inspired me to pursue a career in medicine.

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6.     What is your favorite period in history? And why?

My favorite period in history is actually quite recent, it is the 90s/early 2000s. Even though I was born at the end of this era, I find it to be a truly fascinating and fun time. It was a period of tremendous growth, in the technological, medical, and so many other fields. These advancements paved the way for so many of the commodities that we have today, and I find it to be a super inspiring and interesting time period.

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What opportunities did this interview opened up for you?

Doing this interview did not open up any opportunities for me but it did give me a an idea of how becoming a doctor works. This interview showed me how much time and effort it takes to become a doctor and it showed me the stress it puts on you. Interveing her gives me somone that could help me in the future when I become a doctor.

Proof of our conversation

Picture credits

SFU picture

Time for yourself picture

Helping people 

Science picture 

History picture 

2 Comments on Community Connection

  1. Sarra pirmohamed
    February 14, 2022 at 1:57 am (3 years ago)

    Wow this is really well done! I enjoyed answering Sara’s questions and sharing my journey/career path

  2. bbarazzuol
    February 14, 2022 at 9:24 pm (3 years ago)

    Thank you for submitting your Community Connection assignment for COL. We have reviewed your Edublog post, and have the following observations regarding your work:

    – Great job interviewing someone and seeking out information regarding their expertise
    – Way to incorporate your answers on your edublog
    – Thanks for going the extra mile on this assignment. This is a great example of a connection!
    – To further the connection, try and get commentary on the post, such as sharing it with the individual you interviewed, and see if they will leave feedback

    Thank you,

    Mr. Barazzuol and Mr. Robinson
    COL Teachers


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