Desmos Art Functions Card 2022

For this project, my first goal was to cover all of the functions and relations that I needed. After that I just used the shapes that I could work with easiest which consisted mostly of linear, quadratic and semicircle functions. There weren’t too many big challenges other than shading the relations, which I just improvised and restricted the shading, or in the case of the ellipse, I split it into two semicircles as well as the eclipse so then I could just shade the semicircles. This was my aha moment because I was close to asking my brother for help. Therefore I didn’t need any help as there was nothing I couldn’t figure out. My main strategy was to listen to music because there was just a ton of work that I had to keep doing if I were to get it done on time. This assignment helped me understand more about transformations of functions and relations because I had to transform hundreds of functions, but I think it could have been a smaller project and I still would understand the transformations at the same level as I do now.

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