Float your Boat


  1. State the problem of this experiment:

The problem was to find a way that a piece of tape, aluminum foil, coffee stir, tape and a straw.

  1. State your hypothesis for this experiment:

Our hypothesis was if we shape our foil as if it was a boat then it would float for a longer amount

  1. How many pennies did your boat hold?

23 pennies were held

  1. What was your thinking/reasoning behind the design of your boat?

We made it have a shape of a raft, a raft has a lot of support which made my group believe that the support will be high and that it will last the longest.

  1. What would you keep/change on your boat design if you were to do this again?

I would have changed where the stirring sticks and straws were located because once the tape got extremely wet he broke off which created the boat to sink.