Bio 11 Charles Darwin

Charles Darwin was a English biologist who’s theory was about and if some animals had common genes and character traits and if they once evolved into something new like how it’s been a question if monkeys really did evolve into humans or not and that was Charles Darwin theory. darwin on his 5 year voyage to the Galapagos and on his journey he saw a giant tortoise and it had gene mutation based on the different island each one lived on with different shell pattern. Another one that was mentioned in the documentary was this special needs child who’s brain is the size of half of a regular sized human brain and that lead to the scientists and doctors to relate to his sibling with a muscle deformity and by this he did an experiment by swobbing his inner cheek with a Qtip to see if he carried the same gene mutation since having the same genes as his brother and it turned out he did carry it just was not located in the same spot and it did not affect him. Another one was how your thumb is able to do all the work that the brain tells it to do and how the thumb can touch all the other fingers but the other fined cannot do that, that’s how we are able to pinch and throw balls and hold objects with our thumb. And how fish evolved into growing legs to escape from other predators and turned into a alligator/crocodile the fish and a crocodile even though being 2 different types of animal groups the fish being from aquatic and crocodile being an amphibian they actually share common genes.


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