Mutation story

Paragraph 1 I am a positive mutation  and kids at school make fun of me they call me a freak just becaus I have 49 chromosomes and caus I have Down syndrome. The reason why I have down syndrome is because I have 3 sets of 21 chromosomes my host has a hard time at school with talking and controlling my self I react differently with different stuff my parents couldn’t tell what I had when I was born and when they found out I did they took me too 10 different types of doctors and therapists to help me out my host gets teased at school cause he acts different and it effects me with having friends some times he wishes he was regular like other kids

mr Robinson part I had to ask myself what it would be like if I had Down syndrome and what I have seen in other schools I used Google and asked people with Down syndrome I used google to do this assignment and clarified the answers with my parents to make sure they were right I would have used the facts I got from science class instead of Google



Hello my name is Sammy and your probably wondering what I look but you will have too wait and I don’t even know what I look like yet. I don’t have eyes and if you guys were wondering why I don’t have eyes it’s cause I’m a sperm and I wanted you guys too get too know me before I go on my long journey to my good old pal egg I will keep you updated on my journey.

I just need to go to my house real quick to grab some supplies it’s not that long of a walk its just testy street. Okay I grabbed the stuff I need lets get in my car to eggs house. This is epididymis hospital oh wow! My neighbour chauncy broke his tail I hope he’s doing okay. Oh RATS there’s tons of traffic on the vas deference highway will have to take a short cut Through the acid proofing shop. Man I’m hungry do you wanna go to the seminal vesicle diner I heard they have good food there. Cause I need some protein for my trip. Oh I dint know that it got shut down for health violations we can just carry on.there is bladder lake that’s where I used to swim when I was a little spermling here’s a short cut I used to take home the urethra expressway it will take us to my friends city. There’s the sign you are now entering vagina island I just need some fuel let’s stop at the cervix station my friend will meet us in her town uterus vill she’s coming back from vacation from ovary island. One second she just calling me. Oh hey we were just talking about you hahah okay sammy I’ll be there in 5 minutes I’m just on oviduct road okay sounds good see you soon. Okay let’s make are way too uterus vill. Hey egg long time no see! How have you been oh I’m pretty good how about you I’m good too lets hangout at your house okay sounds good Sammy okay bye when you see me and egg next time we will finally have eyes and mouth and even a brain… Good bye


braclet sciencen fruitloop


Q1 what is the genetic code? A Dna  triplet is a 3 letter code with 4 alpahbet letters gene are little tiny peices of the dna

Q2 rna is a short peice of information that is formed from your Dna. Rna also uses genetic code but instead is called codons when it goes through nuclear membrane and goes into. Cytoplasm and that is called ribosomes it makes. It makes acid and that acid which way makes it into the protein

my word was Nike so I used the colours green purple orange and a pink image

Science Dna

image1 Dna is made up of 4 chemical bases adenine guanine thymine and cytosine

2 the licorice represents the backbone of the dna the marshmallows represent… The green means guanine yellow means adenine pink means tosine and orange means thymine

3 yes it gave me a visual and physical understanding of were learning

Expanding universe

1) the balloon represented each dot represented each galaxie

2)the letter D moved the farthest from m

3) the galaxies that were closest to M moved the least

4) when the  universe expands the galaxies move farther apart

4) on the balloon there was less galaxies

3 things interested in that involves science

1) I am interested in playing xbox which involves electricity and I find that cool how people used science to help them figure out how to work electricity and make a device that can bring joy to people

2 I am interested in basketball and throwing the ball is part of gravity and I find it amazing how Issac Newton figured out how gravity works just by an apple falling on his head and that made him wonder how it happend and why it fell

3 I’m interested in playing sports and you need science to make the rubber on the balls you need chemicals to solidify the rubber which makes it Strechy and I am interested in what materials they use to make it Strechy

Power York story

Hydroelectric Power
Hydroelectric power is power that comes from falling, streaming or flowing water.  Dams are built on rivers to control the water.  The water pushes the turbine which makes the generator work, and then electrical charges come out of the generator into the powerhouse.  From there, the electricity enters the power lines which give light to cities, homes and other buildings. Once the water rotates the turbines it returns to the rivers.
• Water is renewable, you won`t run out of water.  Rain, snow and ice are all factors in keeping rivers flowing.

• Hydroelectric Power is a clean energy source because there are no toxins or greenhouse gasses

• It is reliable.  As long as there is water and the turbines and generators work, there will always be power

• There is a low operating cost.  Once the dam is built and the turbines and generators are up and running, there is very little cost and maintenance

• There are some recreational perks.  The lakes that are formed behind the dams are great for fishing, swimming and other recreational activities

• There is no fuel or nuclear energy, so it is safe for all
• There is potential for environmental damage such as:
– altering the normal flow of the river,
– blocking of migratory fish passage,
– changing the water level of the river could affect the fish
– sudden occurrence of floods

• They are expensive to build: like any building, the cost of something this large would be costly

• In the event of a drought, electrical power would be affected

• Concern over dams breaking may affect the lower lying local communities.  The communities may be displaced for fear of flooding.

• Building a dam could affect the water supply elsewhere since rivers usually flow into oceans.
Thermal Power Plants
Thermal Power Plants aim to convert heated water into steam by burning fossil fuels such as coal, oil and diesel.  The heat energy drives turbines and from there, the electricity enters the generator which flows into the powerhouse and further into the power lines into homes.  Thermal power coming from fossil fuels is the most common energy form on earth.

• Fossil fuels are the easiest sources of energy and can be found and accessed throughout the world. Because of their abundance, they are also cheap.
• Fossil fuels can be easily transported from one place to another. Coal, oil and gas can easily be moved to different locations
• Fossil fuel energy industries help in generating loads of employment opportunities for all sections of society.
• Pollution. Chemicals and greenhouse gases are emitted during the production of electricity with fossil fuels.
• Natural ecosystems and landscapes are destroyed in building power plants
• Expensive to build and maintain.
• A concern that these non-renewable resources such as coal and oil will become scarce or run out.
• Danger to areas surrounding the power plants and people working at the plants.  People working at these plants need to be extra cautious and have to be provided with adequate safety measures. Blasts, oil leaks, fire breakouts and the release of toxic gases can be fatal for those working at these plants and can also, in some cases, retard growth and life.
• Waste disposal.  Some of the waste elements are dumped into the ocean or on land and can be extremely toxic for marine and other life, hindering the natural flow of ecosystems.


Science app

My app is called science for kids my first question is how does this help u learn it helps u learn by quizzing u and there is al sorts of different units they have chemistry physics matter periodic table units

What if u can’t read or u r blind the game can read it out loud to u this game helps others learn and myself learn because there is different modes there can be level 1 for easy and level 2 for medium and levels 3 for hard as the levels get higher the more hard it gets

How does this app help me it helps me by going through the questions and thinking them over and answering it there is different types of modes like flash cards or mini games like if u get an answer right u move up the ladder if u don’t get it right u go back down

How does this app get ur science skills better before a test u can pull it out the app and go through the unit u r doing in class u don’t need wifi so u can use it anywhere in the car on the plain if ur going on vacation and if u keep using the app u will start to memorize the answers and questions