Safety visual ryan


1) stay calm and don’t overreact

2) with oil fires do NOT use water use baking soda


1) treat burn under cool water for 5 minutes minimum more if needed

2) don’t pop blisters



1) Never mix chemicals at all could be very dangerous

2) contain chemical spill


(1 get moisture absorbent mats

(2  use caution signs and wipe up spills immediately


(1 to stop bleeding apply pressure

(2 run warm water on cut and put rubbing alcohol if needed or apply soap gently


HEAVY lifting

(1  NEVR lift with back only lift with legs

(2 have friend spot you


how to prevent food poisoning

(1 use separate cutting boards

(2 keep meats at the bottom of cooler so meat does not leak into veggies

waste management

(1 throw garbage immediately away so you have a clean environment

personal hygiene

(1 always wash hands

(2 either wear hair net or tie hair back





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