- the article is about woman all over the word are mistreated right
- I chose this article because I like the way how it explains gender equality and how it affects countries all over this world from the past and the present and maybe the future
- The woman in 3rd world countries want to be masculine and play sports and lift stuff but instead the men treat the woman poorly and don’t let them partisapate in any thing
- http://www.international.gc.ca/development-developpement/priorities-priorites/ge-es/index.aspx?lang=eng
Monthly Archives: February 2016
Mutation story
Paragraph 1 I am a positive mutation and kids at school make fun of me they call me a freak just becaus I have 49 chromosomes and caus I have Down syndrome. The reason why I have down syndrome is because I have 3 sets of 21 chromosomes my host has a hard time at school with talking and controlling my self I react differently with different stuff my parents couldn’t tell what I had when I was born and when they found out I did they took me too 10 different types of doctors and therapists to help me out my host gets teased at school cause he acts different and it effects me with having friends some times he wishes he was regular like other kids
mr Robinson part I had to ask myself what it would be like if I had Down syndrome and what I have seen in other schools I used Google and asked people with Down syndrome I used google to do this assignment and clarified the answers with my parents to make sure they were right I would have used the facts I got from science class instead of Google