First Peoples Principles of Learning-Ryann McCready “Interconnectedness is part of the terminology of a worldview which sees a oneness in all things.” ” The state… read more “Interconnectedness is part of the terminology of a worldview which sees a oneness in all things.” ” The state… read more
Wolf Hirschhorn Syndrome-Ryann McCready I am a known as the 4p deletion syndrome. I am quite rare and… read more
How Things Work Electroreception in Sharks Liza and Ryann Form and Function: “What are its main parts and what do… read more
Household Electricity Collage… By Ryann and Madisson
Science App Review; Define…Discover…Dream…Design…Deliver…Debrief… We were tasked with finding a helpful app that would accelerate our learning in the lab,… read more