That TV Remote…
Society is stuck on the fast forward button
Never stopping, seeing, experiencing
Just speeding through without thought to the consequences
We make decisions to simplify our lives
But these decisions simplify our minds
We let ourselves, our children, our families
Be lead by the machines that we create
But our creations are not our replacements
And when we use them as such, then they take over us
We become oblivious, apathetic, unconcerned
We become blind to our surroundings
When our surroundings are the norm
Like a fish in the water,
We cannot see what’s right in front of us
We greedily hold on to our belongings
These objects and toys that amuse us
Yet how do we know when amusement becomes addiction
And addiction becomes destruction
When a little girl and a little boy are given everything they want
How are they to know that what you want, is not always what you get
When a parent lets their creations simplify their lives
And gets angry when they realize they simplified their minds
How are we to know that the superficial is blocking our sight
That our materials are controlling us, dictating our thoughts and actions
How are we to know when our machines have taken over us?
And how are we to fight back?
Will we go to battle, losing our lives due to our replacements?
Will we be able to disconnect? See that while we were connected to technology, we were separated from our families?
Or will we forever be slave to our consequences?
Society needs to unstick that fast forward button.