Mutation Story by robert montemayor

Down syndorme 

What is Down syndrome? Down Syndrome is a generic disorder that is bacially caused by a part of a 3rd copy of chromosomes.

  1. What happened to you as a gene?

What happens is people who inherit and an unbalanced tranlocation involving chromosomes 21. This means the person may have more extra genes material form these chromosomes 21 which it causes the down syndrome.

2. What caused the mutation?

The mutation was caused by an unbalanced trasnlocation  of chromosomes 21.  The cause may have as in question 1 it may have extra gene material and it causes Down syndrome

3. what affects did the gene mutation have on your host’s body?

The body that mostly have down syndrome are on kids because people are born with it, and the kid, teen or adult that has down syndrome most likely tend to share some physical features like flat facial profile, upward slant eyes, small ears, and a producing  tongue, low muscle tone which is usually called hypothermia. Children and babies with down syndrome also look a little floppy.

4. How was the host’s life affected? what was their story?

Down syndrome is made when a pair of chromosomes fail to sperate either in the the guys Sperm or the eggs of the female. The story of Down syndrome happens when the sperm or eggs (female)  fail to sperate and it happens to a new born baby rarely it does and when the egg hits the sperm to form the speration of the egg to make the child it ends up with 3 copies of chromosomes.

part 2.

1. i needed to re searched what happen to down syndrome, what caused it, what effected it, what affects happen with this syndrome body and what affects it from happening to its body.

2. the tools i used that is familiar to find these thing was mostly google and people talking in videos to help me with this project.

3. the process i used to make this project is searched these things read some of the things and wrote what happens, what it looks like Etc.

4. i verify that the information was right and basically searched up what down syndrome was to clarify that i was searching the right things.

5. what i could of done better on this project is finish on time because i was busy with other homework and basically i forgot about it and didn’t uploaded it if the teacher didn’t bring us down to the library i wouldn’t remember that we had to do this and next time i will try to remember  and not be lazy about this and this is my mutation project.







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