Caffine Myth

Robert Montemayor

Caffeine can harm a developing fetus


Caffeine can harm a developing fetus. A pregnant woman who takes more than 200 mg of caffeine, whether it’s coffee or energy drinks this can cause the unborn baby to have significant risks. A pregnant woman can have a miscarriage. The including symptoms that can happen are mild to severe cramps, pain in your back or abdomen, loss of pregnancy symptoms, such as nausea or vomiting, white-pink mucus, passing tissue or clot-like material. A baby inside the mother that has had too much caffeine can cause the baby’s heart rate to increase which and cause the baby to be born with a heart defect. Drinking caffeine while pregnant can also cause limit fetal growth and cause low birth weight, this causes the risk of a baby being born small by between 27% and 62%. This goes to show that Caffeine can harm a developing fetus because it can cause a baby heart to rise and baby aren’t stable enough to handle caffeine because due the mother’s body much bigger than the baby the mother can be able to handle the affects of caffeine. A pregnant woman can still drink some caffeine but if she drinks more than 4-5 cups of tea or coffee or 1 can still affect the fetus to be born with heart problems. If a woman cuts down on her caffeine, then the baby will be healthy and with no problems. Some myths show that pregnant women who drinks caffeine while pregnant will cause the baby to grow into a short person whether it’s a guy or girl. If you are pregnant then cut down on caffeine because you never know what can happen to a baby in the mother’s womb, So WATCH YOUR CAFFEINE LEVELS WHEN PREGNANT!!!


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