1. My Personal Health and Wellness Plan

Take a moment to begin looking at all of the responses and answers you have collected and discovered over the past several units. Organize them, add more detail and thought, and make changes to areas where you may have a different opinion or insight. Your Personal Health and Wellness Plan is a growing and evolving document. Responses you may have created in grade 9, may be different then the ones you have today. That is okay! Go through the document and make changes, and take reflect back on all of the different topics that have been covered.  Your plan should be a clear reflection on what your life should look like in order for you to be your healthiest you – physically, emotionally and relationally.  You Personal Health and Wellness Plan will contain responses from Unit 1 – Coping Skills, Unit 2 – Addictive Behaviours, and Unit 3 – Physical Health. 

Your teacher will direct you on how you will hand in your Personal Health and Wellness Plan.

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2.  Core Competency Reflection 

Complete a Core Competency Reflection for Unit 3. Click on the Core Competency tab and complete a reflection of your choice. Use your Personal Health and Wellness Plan as the artifact for this reflection.