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Materials Used: Townsley, D., Hughes, R., & Crooks, C. (2016). The Fourth R: Healthy Relationships, Safe Choices, Connected Youth. London, ON: The University of Western Ontario.

Activity #1 – Share out on Lifestyle Tracking

On the posters hanging in the classroom, report out on your 3 days of lifestyle tracking.

Was your eating in line with the Canada Food Guide?

Did you drink 2 or more liters of water each day?

Did you exercise moderately for 1 hour each day?

Where you able to get 8 hours of sleep?

Did you spend under 2 hours a day on recreational screen time?

What were the barriers to a healthy lifestyle in each area?

Activity #2  – Class Discussion

What patterns do you see? What areas do we struggle with as a class? What are the barriers to accomplishing these health goals? Is it worth working on?

Activity #4  – Assignment – How can I improve my nutrition, exercise, technology use, sleep habits and hydration to improve my physical health?

Personal Health and Wellness Inquiry

a.) What should your life habits look like in order for you to live your healthiest life possible? (in regards to eating, sleeping, exercise, hydration and screen time etc.)

b.)Take a moment to begin looking at your responses and answers you have collected through this grade 10 unit. Organize them and add more detail and thought. Your Personal Health and Wellness Plan is a growing and evolving document. Go through the document and make changes, and take reflect back on all of the different topics that have been covered. Next class you will have some time to complete this assignment and review your grade 9 responses. The ultimate goal is for you to have a personalized plan that you can refer back to to help you live a healthy life. 


  1. Open your Office 365 Word document titled My Personal Health and Wellness
  2. Using information provided in this unit, personal reflection, and additional research, answer the question above to the best of your ability in complete sentences. Please feel free to use real life examples whenever applicable. Take a moment to read though the document and see if there are any changes to how you think and fell about certain topics, make changes to your plan whenever necessary.
  3. Your Personal Health and Wellness Plan Must Have:
    1. Clear headings for each and every section (refer back to each section if you need to)
    2. All responses must be written in full and complete sentences, proper grammar, and lots of details and examples.
  4. Once completed, share the document with your teacher, so it will be automatically emailed for you:)

Health Education Rubric