Materials Used: Townsley, D., Hughes, R., & Crooks, C. (2016). The Fourth R: Healthy Relationships, Safe Choices, Connected Youth. London, ON: The University of Western Ontario.



Welcome to our Health Unit 3 in PE 10. This unit is going to focus on the physical aspect of health – your body and how to keep it at its peak. This is a very important portion of the grade 10 curriculum that will give you the opportunity to think about your health and what it means to be healthy. It will also provide you with information about factors that can positively and negatively impact your health, and various health related skills for you to apply everyday.  Often there are sensitive topics and conversations that may come up. Our goal is that everyone can feel comfortable to share their thoughts and ideas using the following guidelines –


  • Respect (No laughing, listen to others, etc.)
  • No names (Do not use real names)
  • Participate (Do your best to contribute and share)
  • Right to pass (If you feel uncomfortable with a topic, you always have the right to pass)

A. Understanding Canada’s 2019 Food Guide

1.  Canada Food Guide 

a.) Check out Canada’s 2019 Food Guide on 

b.) A nutrition expert explains the changes to the new food guide in the video below.

2. The Benefits of Water

Why should we drink so much water? Watch this video to find out.

3. Sleep

How much sleep should you be getting as a teenager? Find out in the video.

4. Benefits of Exercise

Discover the benefits of exercise on the brain and body by viewing this video.

5. Recreational Tech Use

6. Daily Lifestyle Tracker

Track your daily habits for the next three days. Use the document below to track your food and water intake as well as how much time you spend exercising, sleeping and in front of a screen.  Let’s see how you are doing  compared to the recommendations. We will use this data to report out and then complete a reflection on our last day of the unit.

Health Tracking Document

You will be using this information later in the unit to continue working on the Personal Health and Wellness Plan you started in grade 9.   You will be adding to and adjusting your Plan after each lesson. It is expected that you will refine and improve your previous responses, as you gain more knowledge and understanding. Your final completed Plan will be handed in at the end of this unit.

7. My Personal Health and Wellness Inquiry

The purpose of your Personal Health and Wellness Inquiry is to create a culminating health and wellness plan. Your plan is created and built by you, based on your own personal inquiry into a number of important questions about your health and wellness.  It is a journey of learning more about yourself, exploring a variety of valuable topics, and understanding how they relate to you. You will use each lesson’s topic as a springboard to the begin your personal inquiry. It is expected that you will refine and improve your responses, as you gain more knowledge and understanding, until the final product is completed in grade 10. A draft will be submitted at the end of each of the three units.


  1. Create an Office 365 Word document titled My Personal Health and Wellness
  2. Create a Heading – Unit 3 Lesson #1 – Take a look at the daily lifestyle tracker, what did you learn about your eating, sleeping and exercise habits? What are some things I can do to improve my eating, sleeping and exercise habits? 
  3. Using information provided in this unit, personal reflection, and additional research, answer the question above to the best of your ability in complete sentences. Please feel free to use real life examples whenever applicable.