Materials Used: Townsley, D., Hughes, R., & Crooks, C. (2016). The Fourth R: Healthy Relationships, Safe Choices, Connected Youth. London, ON: The University of Western Ontario.


In this class, you will be sharing your findings about various substance use and addictive behaviors.  You will take a closer look at knowing when  these behaviors start becoming a problem or an addiction.

Activity #1 – Identifying When Behaviors Become Problematic

Strategy: Substance Use Discussion Continuum

  • In pairs, look at your Substance Use and Other Behaviours Card (laminated)
  • Imagine a continuum, with one end  of the continuum representing No Problems while the other end  of the continuum representing High Risk for Problems.
  • Discuss your card with your partner and decide where the scenario fits along the continuum. What criteria  did you use in the placement of the card on the continuum?
  • Move to the continuum area and stand where you think the card belongs (take your card with  you). Make the long line into a circle to create a better discussion environment.
  • Read your card and describe the criteria  as to why you stood where you are on the continuum.
  • Discuss: How would you recognize that substance use is becoming a serious problem?

(Possible responses: missing school,  looking high all the time, not completing work, becoming withdrawn sometimes, out of control at parties, change in peer group, failing courses, getting in trouble at home, stealing, potential risk for consequences, etc.)

  • The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health’s  definition of an addiction is that an addiction has the 4 C’s present:
    • 1. Craving
    • 2. Control – loss of control with respect to the amount or frequency of use
    • 3. Compulsion to use
    • 4. Consequences – using despite being  aware of the negative outcomes
  • Someone who has an addiction typically experiences negative impacts in many  different areas of their life.
  • If you notice that a friend is having  any of the difficulties  discussed on the continuum, then your friend is in need  of support.

Activity #2 – How Alcohol, Marijuana, Vaping, Technology Affects the Body and Brain


Activity #3 – Influences, Consequences, and Protective Factors Related to Binge Drinking/Marijuana Use

Discussion: (strategy – Think, Pair, Share)

  1. Why do youth binge drink? Use marijuana? Vape?
  2. What are the health concerns related to drinking, marijuana use and vaping?
  3. How does binge drinking, marijuana use and vaping affect relationships? (parents, friends, partners, teachers, employers)
  4. Some youth engage in harmful alcohol, marijuana and/or vaping patterns because of psychological distress. What types of positive coping strategies would you recommend instead?

Activity #4 – Thinking About Support

Strategy: Four Corners

  • The Four Corners Signs read Absolutely, No Way, Yes but… and No but…
  • Think to yourself about the following statement: Is it possible to help a friend who is struggling with an addiction or is showing signs that their behaviours are having a negative impact on their lives?
  • Move to stand by one of the signs that best represents how you feel about the topic.
  • If your group has over 8 people, you will be split into subgroups. Take turns, to explain to the group why you chose to go to that corner.
  • A student will present the ideas on behalf of the group.

Activity #5 – Assignment – How Do Your Habits and Choices Influence Your Daily Life? If you notice that you have addictive behaviours, what steps can you take to get back to healthy living? Be specific.

Strategy: Personal Reflection

My Personal Health and Wellness Inquiry

The purpose of your Personal Health and Wellness Inquiry is to create a culminating health and wellness plan. Your plan is created and built by you, based on your own personal inquiry into a number of important questions about your health and wellness.  It is a journey of learning more about yourself, exploring a variety of valuable topics, and understanding how they relate to you. You will use each lesson’s topic as a springboard to the begin your personal inquiry. It is expected that you will refine and improve your responses, as you gain more knowledge and understanding, until the final product is completed in grade 10. A draft will be submitted at the end of each of the three units.


  1. Open your Office 365 Word document titled My Personal Health and Wellness from Unit 1 lesson 1
  2. Create a Heading – Unit 2 Lesson #3 – How Do Your Habits and Choices Influence Your Daily Life?
  3. Using information provided in this unit, personal reflection, and additional research, answer the question above to the best of your ability in complete sentences. Please feel free to use real life examples whenever applicable.

Health Education Rubric