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Materials Used: Kutcher, S., & Wei, Y. (2022, March 1). Mental health literacy. Mental Health Literacy. Retrieved October 1, 2022, from


Today, you will be introduced to how the brain processes and reacts to everything we experience. Its activities initiate and control movement, thinking, perception, emotions and involuntary physiological processes, such as your stress response. You will learn that brain function determines both mental health and mental illness, and that the two are not the same thing.

Activity #1: Fight or Flight Response

The video below is about how your body and brain respond to stress.


Discuss:  What have you learned from the video? Choose one thing you learned from the video and would want to share with a friend, a parent or a family member. Why would you want them to know that information?

Activity #2: PowerPoint Presentation: Mental Health and Mental Illness: The Common Basis

Mental Health vs Mental Illness

Activity #3: Language Matters 


  • Students will work in groups of 5-6
  • Place the emotion under the correct Mental Health State Category
    • No Distress, Problem or Disorder
    • Mental Distress
    • Mental Health Problem
    • Mental Disorder/Illness
Word List Describing Various Emotional States
Upset Disgusted Heartbroken Forlorn
Pensive Down Demoralized Annoyed
Thoughtful Sorry Angry Sad
Disconsolate Sorrowful Bitter Unhappy
Disappointed Blue Glum Distressed
Despondent Depressed Dejected Pessimistic
Mournful Despairing Depression Irritated

Note: Here the word “Depression” would be used to denote the mental illness of Depression while the word “depressed” would be used to denote a negative emotional state which may better fit in the category of mental health problem.

Categorizing Emotional States (teacher reference)


Activity #4: Video – What’s the Difference?

Activity #5 – Reflection

Activity #6 – Reflection AND Thank You Card


Option 1: Boosting Mental Well Being Student Reflection

Option 2: How would you explain to someone what the difference is between mental health problems & mental illness?

Strategy: Inquiry

My Personal Health and Wellness Inquiry

The purpose of your Personal Health and Wellness Inquiry is to create a culminating health and wellness plan. Your plan is created and built by you, based on your own personal inquiry into a number of important questions about your health and wellness.  It is a journey of learning more about yourself, exploring a variety of valuable topics, and understanding how they relate to you. You will use each lesson’s topic as a springboard to the begin your personal inquiry. It is expected that you will refine and improve your responses, as you gain more knowledge and understanding, until the final product is completed in grade 10. A draft will be submitted at the end of each of the three units.


  1. Open your Office 365 Word document titled My Personal Health and Wellness from Unit 1 lesson 1
  2. Create a Heading – Unit 1 Lesson #2 – How would you explain to someone what the difference is between mental health problems & mental illness?
  3. Using information provided in this unit, personal reflection, and additional research, answer the question above to the best of your ability in complete sentences. Please feel free to use real life examples whenever applicable.

Health Education Rubric

Additional Resources