Riverside Physical Education

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Gymnastics – CC Reflection

Step 1 – Read and understand the Communication, Social Responsibility, Positive Personal and Cultural Identity, and Personal Awareness and Responsibility Core Competencies using the chart below.

Step 2 – During this past unit we have spent time covering many topics related to Personal Safety and Injury Prevention. Take a moment and choose one of the following Core Competencies that you felt connects best to the what you have learned: Communication, Social Responsibility, Positive Personal and Cultural Identity, and Personal Awareness and Responsibility

Step 3 – Complete the Self Assessment below, use either the PDF or Word document. To help you get started, take a look at the questions below, they will give you some ideas about what to write about.

Self Assessment Core Competencies (PDF)

Self Assessment Core Competencies (Word)


  • How do you show that you are listening thoughtfully?
  • What listening skills do you use to enhance your learning?
  • What are some ways that you use to communicate your learning?
  • What do you do when you disagree with someone in your group or discussion? How did you learn/develop that strategy?

Critical Thinking

  • How does your artifact tie in with what you have learned before? How has your thinking changed? What made it change?
  • Do you agree or disagree with this (statement, opinion, artifact or hypothesis)? What evidence is there to support your answer?
  • What strategies do you use to decide whether to believe something you read? How did you develop these strategies? What advice would you give a younger student about figuring out what is true?

Creative Thinking

  • How do you come up with ideas when you want to make something new at school or at home? Tell me about a time when you felt really good about a new idea you had.
  • What helps you get new ideas?
  • What make you want to get new idea or try something new?

Social Responsibility

  • How do you use words and actions to encourage other students who might be feeling a bit sad or discouraged?
  • What contribution have you made to our school that you feel good about? How did you get started doing that?

Positive and Personal Cultural Identity

  • What are your strengths as a learner and how do you learn best?
  • What are some aspects that you value about your culture?
  • How do you portray aspects of your cultural contexts in your work? (e.g. through images or words)
  • What are some things about your culture that you would like other people to know?
  • How do you use your strengths and abilities in your family, relationships, and community?

Personal Awareness and Responsibility

  • Tell me about one of your learning goals. (Prompt: Something you want to get better at or learn how to do.) How did you come to that goal? Tell me about something you are doing to help you work on that goal?
  • What do you do to help yourself when you are feeling a bit discouraged about your work?
  • Think of times when you have to wait. What strategies do you use when you are feeling impatient? How did you develop that strategy?  When did you start? How does it work?

Step 4 –  Publish

You will now attach and/or embed your self-assessment to a post in your blog.

  1. Categories – Self-Assessment and PE 9 or PE 10
  2. Tags – Now tag your post using the tag that corresponds to the competency that you have written about. You can choose more than one. Please use lower case letters and be exact.
    • #creativethinkingcc
    • #communicationcc
    • #criticalthinkingcc
    • #socialresponsibilitycc
    • #personalidentitycc
    • #personalawarenesscc
  3. Use the Add Document button located at the top of your post page and embed your self-assessment at the bottom of your blog post.
  4. Publish


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