Lesson 1

Lesson 1 (PowerPoint)

 Lesson 1 Worksheet (PDF)

Lesson 1 Worksheet (WORD)

Lesson 2

Lesson 2 (PowerPoint)

Lesson 2 Worksheet (PDF)

Lesson 2 Worksheet (WORD)

Lesson 3

Lesson 3 (PowerPoint)

Lesson 3 Worksheet (PDF)

Lesson 3 Worksheet (WORD)

Lesson 4

Lesson 4 (PowerPoint)

Lesson 4 Worksheet (PDF)

Lesson 4 Worksheet (WORD)

First Aid Scenarios

Your task is to create a scenario displaying your understanding of First Aid, and demonstrating ESM. The beginning of all of your scenarios must begin with an effective use of ESM, and then correctly progress into the proper First Aid steps.

Assessment Completion of Assignment and Completely Meets Expectations:                 /10

Scenario Creation

You will be asked to cover one of the following topics:

Responsive Casualty

  • Shock
  • Choking
  • Heart Attack
  • Stroke
  • Other / Minor Wounds Bleeding

Unresponsive Casualty

  • AED

You will create a scenario using one of the topics above. During your scenario you must video all of your actions and decisions. After you have filmed yourselves, you must watch yourselves, and evaluate how closely you followed through with Emergency Scene Management. If you are missing steps, you will re-create the video ensuring that ESM is correctly followed.

Step 1: Create a scenario                                              

Step 2: Film your Scenario

Step 3: Analyse your video and assess yourselves based on the ESM checklist provided below

Step 4: Upload your scenario to a video hosting website

Step 5: Create a new post for your blog, follow the instructions exactly

  1. Title – ESM Scenario
  2. Embed your video using the instructions below (preferred) / or upload the video from your device
  3. Category – PE 10 and Portfolio
  4. Tag – CuccioneESMPE10B, this must be exact, make sure you select add – (please adjust the teacher and class, e.g PE10B to PE10C, e.g NeufeldESMPE10C)
  5. Click Publish
  6. Complete the Core Competency Reflection

Emergency Scene Management Checklist

Step 1: Scene Survey

  • Take charge of the situation
  • Assess hazards
  • Find out history of the scene
  • Find out how & where injury occurred
  • Offer help & obtain consent (approach in line of vision!)
  • Send someone for help (call 911 and let them know we have (info on casualty, injury, location)… and REPORT BACK TO ME)
  • Support head & neck if injury is suspected (demo)
  • Assess responsiveness

Step 2: Primary Survey

In a primary survey, you must check for the priorities of first aid:


  • Different if responsive or unresponsive
  • For a responsive casualty, ask their name and if they can respond, their airway is clear


  • Effective?
  • Should be 10-20 breaths per minute (count # in 15 seconds)


  • Skin color, skin temperature, internal & external bleeding

During primary survey, the casualty should stay in the position found (whenever possible and especially if spinal injuries are suspected)

Step 3: Ongoing Casualty Care

  • Secondary Survey: obtain medical history and information of the casualty
  • Treat for shock (loosen clothing, cover with blanket, reassure casualty)
  • Monitor (check ABCs again)
  • Record events & report incident to medical experts. When medical help arrives, you should be prepared to report on:
  • What happened
  • The suspected injuries
  • What first aid has been provided