Dance Unit Final Assignment
Your task is to create and publish your final dance video on your blog, and complete a Core Competency reflection.
Dance Criteria: /25
Group Coordination and Timing /5
Creativity /5
Degree of Difficulty /5
Personal Expression and Enthusiasm /5
Video published to your blog and Core Competency completed /5
Step 1: Film your dance, review your dance, and make necessary changes
Step 2: Film your final production, upload your dance to a video hosting website
Step 3: Create a new post for your blog, follow the instructions exactly
a) Title – Dance 9 of 10
b) Embed your dance video into your post (copy and paste the URL from YouTube into your post)
c) Category – PE 9 or PE 10 AND Self-Assessment
d) Tag – CuccioneDancePE10B, this must be exact (please adjust the teacher, block and class, e.g PE10B to PE10C, e.g NeufeldDancePE10C) AND the Core Competency # you will be using
e) Click Publish
Step 4: Complete the Core Competency Reflection