Your Values and Politics

  • Ethical Judgement: Which political ideologies do you agree with most and least? Provide examples of how they align or misalign with your beliefs.

I agree capitalism is the best, and socialism is the least because of motivation.

In a capitalist society, anyone can start a business with money (unless it is against the law), so there are many rivals. Companies work hard to keep up with their rivals. As a result, the products will be of higher quality and evolve into a more convenient world. But, in socialism there is no competition, so the economy is difficult to develop. I think economy that cannot create new things is not interesting. That’s why, I agree capitalism is the best.


  • Evidence: Which political ideology does Canada seem to follow the closest? Provide some real life observations from your experience that help support this.

I think Canada is both liberal democracy and capitalism.

Neither does the work given by the government systematically, as in communism. Canadians make money in their favorite profession. They also run politics with elected representatives rather than monarchy.

So, I think it can be said that it is both liberal democracy and capitalism.

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