Math 10 – Week 13

Something I learned this week was what general form was and how to convert slope y-intercept, and point slope into it. General form is a way to tell a nice looking way to show an equation that shows us almost nothing about the graph. General form can only have integers and the x has to be positive is written as (x+y+#=0)

Slope y-intercept to general form:

To get to general form from slope y-int form, you need to move the y to the other side of the equals with the x and the constant. If there are fractions remaining, multiply everything by the denominator of the fraction(s) and if the x is negative, multiply everything by -1.



-> -109x-y+2800655=0

-> -1(-109x-y+2800655=0)

= 109x-y+2800655=0

Point slope to general form:

To geo to general form from point slope, you first need to distribute the slope to the x and constant in the bracket. After that, you need to move the y and constant to the side with the x and constant. Add the two constants if there is more than 1 constant. If there are fractions remaining, multiply everything by the denominator of the fraction(s) and if the x is negative, multiply everything by -1.


\frac 23(x-88406727728)=y-92773727373813

-> \frac 23x-\frac {176813455460}3=y-92773727373813

-> \frac 23x-y-\frac {176813455460}3+92773727373813=0

-> \frac 23x-y-\frac {176813455460}3+92773727373813=0

-> \frac 23x-y-\frac {278,144,368,665,979}3=0

-> 3(\frac 23x-y-\frac {278,144,368,665,979}3=0)

= 2-3y+278,144,368,665,979=0

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