Math 10 – Week 2

Something interesting I (re)learned this week was the exponent laws. I found them pretty interesting because of how easy it makes things.

There are 4 different exponent laws:

Multiplication Law:

When multiplying, (only works when the bases are the same) you keep the base the same and add the exponents.

3^4 \cdot 3^7 = 3^{11}

Division Law:

When dividing, (only works when the bases are the same) you keep the base and subtract the exponents.

\frac {3^5}{3^3} = 3^2

Power Law:

When there is an exponent on brackets, you multiply all the exponents in the brackets with the exponent on the outside.

(5a^3)^3 = 5^3a^9

Zero Law:

Anything to the power of 0 equals 1.

333^0 = 1

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