In The Woods

 Part A: Invertebrate Variation 

The Common Pill Bug, also known as Armadillidium vulgaris is an invertebrate inhabiting the area surrounding Gates Park. Its most notable trait is having plated armour like armadillos that they use to cover themselves when in danger by rolling up into a ball. Common pill bugs can be easily found under things like rocks, trees, and moist places. Their diets consist of decomposing materials like leaves and wood. Common pill bugs are a common food source for insects and arachnids. When they are rolled up in a ball, they will wait for as long as it takes for the threat to leave before unrolling itself.

Part B: Invasive Plant Species 

English Ivy/Hedera Helix: 

  1.  The original native habitats for English ivy are Europe, Western Asia and Northern Africa. 
  2.  English ivy was first introduced to foreign habitats at 1727. (wysi) 
  3. It’s said that English ivy “flourishes in shady to full sun conditions and is intolerant to drought and salinity”, so since Canada isn’t a hot country, it would make sense for English ivy to grow happily here. 
  4. It grows too long on trees, so it blocks the sun from other plants preventing photosynthesis.
  5. Don’t plant English ivy. English ivy can be pulled out easily when it is moist and can be uprooted by a rake. You can throw away the vines in the garbage

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