Math 10 – Week 4

Something I learned this week was how to find the degree of a right triangle. You first look at the numbers already given to you and determine what side of the triangle they are (opposite, adjacent, hypotenuse). whichever sides are given is what ratio you should use sine (opposite/hypotenuse), cosine (adjacent/hypotenuse), or tangent (opposite/adjacent). what you should have by now is the ratio with the variable representing the missing degree equals the 2 numbers given in the ration needed (sin x = \frac {3}{5}). After that, you need to isolate the variable by transferring the ratio to the other side of the equals. when you transfer the ratio to the other side, the ratio must be to the power of -1 because you need to do the opposite when you transfer something to the other side of the equals (x = sin^{-1} \frac {3}{5}). The answer to the ratio to the power of negative 1 of your fraction equals the degree (sin^{-1} \frac {3}{5} = 36.9). $latex

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