Often times losing weight is associated with exhausting diets and intense work outs. It’s unfortunate how people get demotivated from their goal by thinking or doing these unhealthy methods. In reality there are so many different ways to lose weight that are easy and don’t require a lot of energy. These simple tweaks in your daily habits will make a huge difference!

Be patient.

Losing weight isn’t going to happen over night. Losing weight very fast is in fact very unhealthy because it puts you at a higher risk of medical conditions. Be patient and know that its going to take a while to see results but in the end it will be worth it. Develop a healthy mindset of being determined and not giving up.


Drink lots of water

If you feel hungry, it may just be because you are thirsty. Drink some water and wait 10 minutes. If you still feel hungry then go and get a snack. Many of us don’t get enough water anyways so this tip kills two birds with one stones. Water is a natural appetite suppressant meaning it makes you feel full. The less hungry you are the less you will think about food which is why drinking water is a very good way to lose or maintain weight!

For more information on water helping with weight loss visit this article from Medical News Today


Go on walks outside

Many of us are always couped up inside all day sitting at desks. Going on walks for 30 minutes everyday not only lets us get some fresh air, it also helps us burn calories. To motivate yourself to go outside more you can go walk with a friend or listen to music, that way it wont feel like you are forcing yourself. You may think walking does not help with losing weight but if you are consistent you will see results not only physically but also mentally.


DO NOT go on diets.

While going on diets may seem like an effective way to lose weight majority of people who do end up gaining the weight they lost. Acknowledge that you are not going to be doing the same diet for the rest of your life. An important factor to losing weight is consistency. Not eating is the last thing you want to do when it comes to losing weight since it not only can lead to eating disorders but it’s also proven that it slows down your metabolism, meaning it will take longer for your body to burn calories.


Find an activity that you love

Why not make losing weight enjoyable? From taking dance lessons or going hiking, find an activity that YOU love doing. Doing a hobby that gets your heart pumping for leisure removes the expectations that comes from doing an exercise just to lose weight. You won’t constantly be thinking about how much weight you are losing since you are genuinely enjoying the activity. It’s a good way to have fun while being active.


Find alternatives


Losing weight does not mean giving up the foods you love! There are so many of healthy alternatives you can replace for your favorite treats that taste alike or have the same effects! Instead of sugary cereal try eating home made oatmeal. Or instead of energy drinks try drinking tea or coffee. The next time you are in grocery store look for a more healthier option. If you want some ideas on swaps to make meals healthier then check out this article by Eat This, Not That.