My Riverside Rapid Digital Portfolio

The Effects of Small Actions and how it can Impact the World

Social change can happen with the small actions of dedicated individuals. Behind this statement lies an empowering powerful message that we can take and learn from because it applies to everyone. The FEC proves that this statement is true because in the story the protagonist made a small action that built upon a social change. Many may feel “useless”, like they don’t have a voice. “We all stared at Mrs. Ralston. “School in,” she announced over her shoulder, walking away. Hitting the ball into the ox pasture happened maybe once a year.” What is amazing is that we actually have more power than we think. Ms. Ralston is just an ordinary girl in eleventh grade who is a teacher. The social issue in the story was gender equality; only boys carried the water and not the girls. If you are wondering why this is such a big deal you are probably stuck in the 50s mindset. In the 50s men were considered superior than woman. Woman’s roles were to cook, clean, sew and take care of children. It is quite easy to tell that the water symbolizes power, strength and privilege. This is why carrying water was a very big deal, among the boys; they saw it as an honour. So out of curiosity, when Alma Niles asked, “Why can’t girls go for the water too?”, this catalyzed quarrel between the girls and the boys. This also left Ms. Ralston a difficult decision on her hands. She could say no and let the social problem go on or she could say yes and cause disruptions, anger and confusions. Instead, she avoids both approaches and says she will think about it and let the class know next Friday. In soft ball, hitting the ball to the ox pasture happens around once a year. On that Friday at lunch, Ms. Ralston does a small action that changes perspectives and helped their social issue; she hit the ball in the ox pasture. No, she did not make a huge change, but she certainly made her point clear by doing this action. She impacted many of the children’s thoughts, women are capable of doing many things, and also built upon social change. The story and Ms. Ralston’s actions relates to Gandalf’s quote because in Gandalf’s quote he says that an ordinary person can do small good deeds and change and impact so many for the better. This relates to Ms. Ralston because she is just a schoolteacher and she did an action that proves a point and stopped I assume stop the bullying from the boys. Think about it, some of the most inspirational people that have metamorphically changed lives started out with nothing. This statement doesn’t just imply social change happens over night; it also signifies that anyone can make a change. You don’t have to have the most power, money or cars to make a change. You can be an ordinary person, make a small action and affect so many.  This quote and Ms. Ralston’s action have aspects of power and importance because it is something a lot of people aren’t aware of. A social change isn’t hard to make, it just takes time and dedication. Often, small simple actions are better because they are more alluded. Taking small steps makes change have a smooth transition and makes the change feel ordinary rather then a big change that is in your face can upset some people, make it hard for them to get used to and can cause altercation and controversy. An example of someone who started out at the bottom but impacted so many lives is Greta Thunberg. She is a climate change activist who started with nothing, she first started out holding out signs saying strike, sitting by the Swedish parliament on school days. Many young people started catching on and doing the same, student climate change strikes were happening all over the world. Millions of students participated in this. Over the next year so she received so much recognition, she got involved with politics travelled to other places to present speeches and won many awards. Her story is amazing, she started out as an ordinary girl who was fighting for something, she believed in. Now she is such an influential person who has made a big impact on our world. Social change can happen with the small actions of dedicated individuals.

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