Foods Disorders

Bulimia Nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by consuming large amounts food in a short period of time. People who are diagnosed with Bulimia Nervosa usually feel like they are gaining a lot of weight, but are actually there normal weight. Some people with Bulimia will go on an eating binge and will not stop…

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Home Lab Assignment

Skillet A skillet is a very delicious dish that has a number of different ingredients that are healthy for for example there are some vegetables in this dish.     Cheesy-egg-in-a-hole If your in a hurry or too lazy to make breakfast the cheesy-egg-in-a-hole is a very simple dish to make and it’s quite…

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Circle Discussion Reflection

I learned that the Conservative Party likes to stick with tradition, but I don’t really like what they’re doing because they’re trying to make everyone as equal as possible. My group came up with the idea of accepting immigrants as long as they contribute to the country in a way. What I found interesting about…

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A Pathway to a Theme In English we have been looking at Children’s Books and working on a pathway to a theme  

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SMART Goal Reflection

SMART Goal Reflection My goal was to shower for a maximum of three minutes a day. Yes, I achieved my goal. It was extremely hard to do this goal because I love taking long hot showers. I usually shower for about ten minutes but I had to shorten to three minutes. It was not easy…

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Title: Letter to Trump about Paris Accord

Letter to Trump I hear that you are gonna withdraw the United States from the Paris Agreement. I understand that you have your own opinions and all but I disagree on you trying to remove the USA from the Paris Agreement, it effect a lot of other people in the world. Instead of trying to…

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“A Television Drama”

Part A- The Reporter’s POV   It was approximately 3o’clock in the afternoon when I was standing right in front of the Mitchell estate.  The police officers were forcefully demanding everyone to stay inside their houses.  With all the bright lights I couldn’t tell how many police cars there was; the only I do know…

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