May Reflection

I chose to reflect on this lab because it was one of the most challenging ones to make and it also turned out amazingly at the end.  I really enjoyed this lab because it was one of the labs that everyone contributed into, for example one person would be gathering the ingredients, while the other…

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Rube Goldberg Project

The Rube Goldberg begins with an iPhone 6 vibrating into a domino, which then hits two other dominoes and eventually knock the marble down a ramp. At the bottom of the ramp is three other dominoes waiting to be hit so that they can drop a marble down into another ramp, which leads into a…

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Foods Disorders

Bulimia Nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by consuming large amounts food in a short period of time. People who are diagnosed with Bulimia Nervosa usually feel like they are gaining a lot of weight, but are actually there normal weight. Some people with Bulimia will go on an eating binge and will not stop…

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Foods 11 February Lab Reflection

Apple Strudel I chose to write about this lab because this was one of my most favourite and delicious labs that we’ve done so far. During this lab we had to work in pairs and I kinda like this a little bit better because that means everyone is doing something, for example in groups some…

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Float Your Boat

During this experiment we had to create a tinfoil boat while 2 marshmallows, a piece of tape, 2 toothpicks and a 5 by 6 tinfoil.  The point of this experiment was to see how many pennies your boat could hold until it sinks.  My boat was victorious because it was able hold 51 pennies, but…

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Socials 10 Essay

Conservatism and Liberalism is more beneficial than other ideologies. I think that it is important to know what ideology you believe in and why you believe in it. When it’s finally that day to vote you should think about which ideology would have the biggest impact on your life. The two ideologies that I personally…

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