Types we should consume:
With the information I found in Ocean Wise, I researched the types of Tilapia that we should consume, and the ones that we should stay away from. The Oreochromis, Sarotherodan and Nile tilapia that are caught in Ecuador, Peru, Mexico, Honduras and the US are the locations that is recommended. Tilapia are fast-growing fish; they don’t require a lot of animal protein to develop. These attributes make them perfect candidates for aquaculture. Closed system aquaculture of tilapia has insignificant impacts on different species. This is because tilapia is either farmed inside or in ponds secured with rooftops.
The types of Tilapia that we shouldn’t consume, are the ones that are located in Columbia, China and Taiwan. There is an absence of freely accessible information around the utilization of chemicals, because of the highly concentrated nature of farming in Columbia, it is thought to be a large hazard. Several diseases have been recorded for tilapia created in Colombia, and in many cases, these infections are equipped for spreading to different species.
2. While watching the video, “Salmon Confidential,” one of the key problems that I noticed with salmon farming in British Columbia is that when fish are farmed (aquaculture), the amount of room that they essentially have, there is a high chance of a fast transfer and transformation of fish diseases. These fish are farmed in pens that can collaborate with the wild fish, and subsequently, transmit the diseases created to the wild assortment, which slaughters most of the wild fish. The advantage of salmon farming would be that we can dependably make a specific amount of salmons. As opposed to the native salmon, it is practical to keep gathering salmons and we can harvest the species we need without harming various species. Next to no energy is required to maintain the farm working as well.