Bulimia Nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by consuming large amounts food in a short period of time. People who are diagnosed with Bulimia Nervosa usually feel like they are gaining a lot of weight, but are actually there normal weight. Some people with Bulimia will go on an eating binge and will not stop eating until they are painfully full. After they’re done eating they will start to purge to get rid of stomach discomfort, for example vomiting. Bulimia ocassionally develops at a young age and “is less common among men then women” (Petre, 2017). Some typical characteristics for Bulimia are binge eating episode, guilt and distress, broken blood vessels, and excessive exercise. There are many different types of treatments for this disorder, one of the most primary treatments would be to combine psychotherapy with antidepressants. Psychotherapy would be very useful because for people with Bulimia, they need to try and get rid of there binge eating episodes, which will then improve from them having negative and emotional thoughts.
Written by Alina Petre, MS, RD (CA) on September 28, 2017
6 common types of eating disorders (and their symptoms)