On June 27 Canada celebrates a special day for people and there culture, it’s called Canadian Multiculturalism Day.  This event was created on November 13, 2002 to celebrate people’s diversity , there commitment to democracy, mutual respect and to explore different multicultural groups.  They usually have a festival during this event and food from different cultures that you can try.

  I can’t find much about discouragement in Canada but one thing that we need to fix is racism.  We don’t have that much racism in Canada,  but in general we shouldn’t have any because if there are people who just moved to Canada we don’t want to scare them off, we should instead show them the beautiful side of Canada and how much we accept people from different cultures.

I definitely think Canada is a multicultural country, yeah there are some people that are racist, but no Country is perfect.  It doesn’t matter what your cultural background is, you’ll be treated equally, it’s a place where you can feel safe and have the equal amount of rights.

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