1.       “We are alone on this island now, Barney and I.” page 211 Exposition

2.       “but when he tried to poison Barney out of simple malice.” page 211 Rising Action( conflict )

3.       “And now that he has gone, how much happier Barney to be!”  page212 Rising Action

4.       “For the past two days I have had to keep Barney confined and how he hates it.” Page 212 Rising Action

5.       “Sprang up on the door handle, removed the key with his teeth,” page 212 Rising Action

6.       “I will admit he played the hero’s role and may even save my life.” Climax

7.       “Poor Barney is dead and soon I shall be the same.” Page 213 Falling Action

8.       “Do what I say and don’t come back or disturb anything after you bring the young rats like I said.  Just females.” Page 213 Resolution


 1.                                                                      2.


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