November/ December Lab Reflection – Rees Racho


For me, this lab had perfect timing. It was a cold afternoon but me and my girlfriend could eat these warm treats on the way to my house, she enjoyed them more than me but they were still good. Working in my new group with two quiet girls instead of Jaiden or Luc is different but it for sure means more labs are going to go smoothly with less mess-ups. This lab was the first one that showed me the girls in my group don’t really talk so I have to bring up a conversation saying what everyone should do that day or ask them what part they would like to do. We worked well and nailed the lab but I kinda missed having one of the guys in my group so I wandered to their groups and talked a bit. I’m not sure i’d do this lab again because i’d rather spend my time making some warm cookies or something but overall the Spanakopita’s were a success and a good lab.