Stretch the Kitchen – Rees Racho

Finding the item to bake was a bit of a challenge initially but once we found it we were happy with it and the end product turned out a bit dry but mostly very good. The end product being dry was our fault because we kept putting it back in because we were unsure of the gooey insides but ended up having it in just a little too long. If I did this recipe again id just change the amount of cook time to follow the suggested time closer

Noodles Take Home – Rees Racho

Part 1:

Breakfast Brown rice:

bacon and eggs for protein with a rice base plus avocado and onions

Southwest Chicken Cutlet Rice Bowl:

long grain rice w

ith veggies and chicken with plenty of spice and flavour

Spaghetti and Meat sauce:

cheesy spaghetti and ground meatsauce

Ill be doing the breakfast Brown rice recipe:


Rees Racho Math Journal – May 12th

Im reflecting on question 3 page 479

The question is asking: Over the last 10 years, data was recorded for the number of cups of hot chocolate sold at BGB senior high school. It was found from the data that the warmer the weather, the less cups of hot chocolate were sold. The data can be modelled by the formula N(t) = 150 – 10t, where N(t) is the daily number of cups of hot chocolates sold when the average daily temperature is t degrees Celcius

the question made me do things like substitute (t) for numbers (average daily temperature) and figure it out, this is easy to me because its just following a equation

to further my understanding it gave me the number of hot chocolates sold then said to figure out the average temperature for that day, this was a bit harder but i still can do it with ease

question E had me find the lower limit of the domain which had me thinking for a while but i eventually figured it out

overall today’s lesson (lesson #10) wasent very hard

March/April Foods reflection – Rees Racho

  1. I chose this lab because my dad’s Fettuccine Alfredo is one of my favorite dishes that he makes so this was the lab i enjoyed most for March/April
  2. Yes i enjoyed this lab because of the great tasting end product and it doesn’t have much waiting such as labs where you cook foods and wait for them to be done. This lab you are constantly doing something to keep entertained
  3. the end sauce turned out as we liked because we added more garlic, salt and pepper, we didn’t want to add too much of anything in fear of messing up the end product
  4. Nobody really wanted to do the sauce but that was the only little problem of this lab, besides that we worked as a fine unit
  5. If we did this lab again id add more herbs/spices to the sauce to add something more flavor wise but not too much to mess with the overall whitesauce product

Foods Salad Rolls

  1. I enjoyed this lab because of the good tasting and healthy end product
  2. i would add some beef to this instead of shrimp for more protein and overall better taste
  3. there’s saturated fat and trans fat which causes numerous health problems and the deep frying also adds many more calories

Egg Take Home Assignment

Recipe 1: Bacon and Cheese Omelete (my dads recipe)

3 eggs

3 strips of bacon

parmesan cheese

1/2 cup of milk

cheddar cheese

decent size peice of butter for browning

  1. cut the bacon into small squares
  2. cook your bacon on medium until crispy
  3. crack eggs into bowl then mix with milk
  4. grate both cheeses until you have the amount you want
  5. carefully brown butter in a small skillet
  6. mix browned butter into egg mixture
  7. pour egg mixture into a large skillet and cook omelet
  8. when mostly cooked pour egg and bacon onto one side then fold
  9. once cheese has melted take of the skillet and eat

Recipe 2: eggs benedict

Make the hollandaise: Purée egg yolk, with 1/4 cup mayonnaise, 1 teaspoon lemon juice, and cayenne and salt to taste. Pulse in 2 tablespoons melted butter. Place the sauce in a bowl set over a pan of simmering water; whisk until thick. Make Poached Eggs (No. 32); serve on English muffins with fried Canadian bacon and the hollandaise.

Recipe 3: Egg burger

  • 1egg
  • Pinch salt
  • Pinch pepper
  • 1slice processed cheese
  • 1hamburger bun, cut in half, warmed or toasted

Februrary Lab Reflection

  1. I chose this lab because it was not very hard to do and still tasted great in the end
  2. I enjoyed the lab because of using the grittle and flipping the pancakes, plus dying them green
  3. the pancakes themselves turned out perfectly but i wanted to make a mickey mouse one and it didn’t look like mickey mouse at all, more roadkill than anything
  4. My group works well and gets along, the only thing was sometimes we mess around so the lab takes longer than others to finish
  5. the only thing i would change about this lab is not dying the pancakes green. Green isn’t a very appetizing colour for food

Blog Post 1 – Rees Racho – February 3rd

Blog post 1 – Rees Racho – February 3

A big part on why the story of Harrison Bergeron is so ironic is because of the way the go about equality. In the story, instead of supporting the people at the bottom and raising them up they instead bring down the intelligent and strong to lower levels, to what the government decides is “average”. Most people today when they think of equality they think of raising up the people on the bottom, doing thinks such as giving them education or many opportunities to go up in society but Vonnegut thought about it in a chaotic alternate way and showed how bad it would be in the story.


By the end of the story Hazel and George completely forget all the events that just happened in front of them. The main part of the events was watching their son getting executed on live television but they completely forget not even a minute later. I personally think the author was trying to show how media can brainwash us and change our feelings through television easily and how prevalent it is in todays society. More and more people today are slowly losing trust in what they see in media and news because of “fake news” and similar things so I don’t think Vonnegut’s crazy dystopia will ever come to reality.


Immigration Journal – Rees


I enjoyed writing this assignment. Overall it got me creative and able to think in another persons views. This made me really about how they felt then the struggle some had to go through on this journey to the “new world”. A big mistake that happened on this Assignment is that I completely forget to include real world connections so this messed up my mark. Many people wont like this assignment because of all the writing required but if you can get into it’ll give people a different view on the people we read about.