Iron Chef reflection – Rees Racho

Iron chef was a fun end to the semester of foods 12 and having Kasey as a group member really helped. We chose the Bundt cake recipe that we found online and that was a gamble because neither me or Kasey had Bundt cake in the past. With just the recipe it was a bit plain and needed more of a topping so me and Kasey decided on adding a blueberry sauce to make it more fresh and powered sugar to add sweetness. The first days lab was a bit hectic because it required so many different ingredients that were scattered across the classroom. Second day was also fast paced because we instantly had to put our cake in the oven and start making the sauce to put on top of the cake. The baking of the cake was a bit late even with us cranking the oven higher so it cooked faster and we took it out of the oven a bit sooner than we anticipated. We served it to the judges without even tasting it so we hoped that it was all good and not a failure but the judges loved it. I was also later informed that the other groups were sneaking behind us when we were presenting and stealing pieces of our cake and running way. Me and Kasey were the winnings and im looking forward to the cookies as a prize :).  The lab was great and the Bundt cake tasted amazing and i’m most likely going to make this in the future.

Foods 12 oct/nov/dec reflection – Rees Racho

Pho (i don’t have pictures of it):


This lab was a fun one because it gave me a chance to talk to my group when we were all still pretty new to one another. It also did not require lots of skills for the actual cooking part, especially with Huan having made it more times that he can count. With just the base recipe the lab was not overly tasteful but Huan made a spicey sauce that made the dish taste great and it got me to eat much more of the lab than initially would have. I don’t remember what he put in the sauce because i was working on another part of the lab but it wouldn’t have been the same without it. Doing the lab again i’d either ask him what the sauce was so I could replicate it or I would find something similar online because the base recipe was lacking on flavour. The group that I had when I did this lab always performed very well and was one of the better groups i’ve had, especially with the Pho lab.

Caffeine Mythbusters – Rees Racho

Myth: Caffeine can counteract the affects of alcohol (i.e. sober someone up)

The myth that caffeine can sober one up if they drink it with alcohol is in fact just a myth. Caffeine has no effect on the metabolism of alcohol, it does not reduce impairment in any way and does not sober one up. The reason that the myth had some ground to stand on initially was because caffeine masks the effects of alcohol.  This masking of the feelings of alcohol makes people think they’re sober and so they drink much more thus getting them more drunk and possibly leading to health problems. Alcoholic drinks are still working their damage even if someone isn’t able to feel it, this unknown damage is why there are deaths associated with energy drinks and alcoholic beverages. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention has a fact sheet on their website stating that the “Dietary Guidelines for Americans” cautions against mixing alcohol with caffeine. This shows that there has been professional work on seeing the effects of caffeine with alcohol and the dangers of doing so. talks about how caloric beer is and how sugary energy drinks usually are, this could lead to health problems. Drink aware states “putting on weight and drinking alcohol can increase your risk of developing type 2 diabetes….. sugar can also add to the risk”. It was difficult to find any source that said caffeine actually helps with sobering one up. I searched for someone saying that it helps to see the other side of the argument but the only thing it seems to help is feeling tired and the morning grumps. From all found sources it says one thing, and that is caffeine does not sober one up from getting drunk on alcohol.



September Reflection – Rees Racho












Out of all the labs so far this one was probably in my top 5. I had a group with all of my friends which didn’t make it so we worked flawlessly but it made it a great time. This lab we had very few mess-ups and even had a little dance class while cooking the bacon. Since we had the best crepes from the previous lab that made it so the Sunflower Crepes tasted even better. All of our crepes were a wee bit overcooked so the end product was a bit crispier than it was supposed to be. Even with crispy crepes this was one of the best tasting labs throughout all of the foods classes, bacon, cheese and egg make a great taste no matter what you do with them. I’m not the biggest fan of green onions but they don’t have a strong taste so i didn’t care too much, also it was neat to learn they could be regrown with just water, i saw them in the back of the class weeks later and they were huge. When they were taken out of the muffin tins to be eaten they didn’t keep their cup shape very great so they were eaten closer to an omelette or pancake. Nonetheless Jaiden was still very proud of his creation which can be seen in the third image, sadly I don’t have pictures of my other groupmates and their creations. Raposo got the runt of the Sunflower Crepe litter so he wouldn’t be very proud of his creation in a picture anyways. With the egg in the muffin tins the cleanup was kind of a hassle so I doubt I would do this one at home because I lazy and satisfied with microwavable food from Costco. If I did get randomly inspired to cook though, maybe for my girlfriend for breakfast or something I wouldn’t make many changes. I’d try to find a way to make it so the egg doesn’t break through the Crepe to ease my cleanup and I’d probably add more bacon because bacon makes everything better.

True Brew – Rees Racho


coffee beans are actually pits, beans also taste different depending on where they are from in the world and even regions can change the taste


Different roasts for different beans


What are the long term effects of caffeine?

Regular, heavy use of caffeine (such as more than 4 cups of coffee a day) may eventually cause:
  • Osteoporosis.
  • High blood pressure and heart disease.
  • Heartburn.
  • Ulcers.
  • Difficulty sleeping.
  • Infertility (in men and women)
  • Anxiety.
  • Depression.

Foods 12 Waste Plan | Rees Racho


There is a waste of food in my home because my parents will cook more food than needed, usually it works out and we are able to have the rest for leftovers the next day but not everything they cook tastes good the next day. I also personally see lots of friends food go to waste at school because they’re not hungry or they don’t want to eat a certain thing and its thrown away. Another thing is I usually get too much food when i’m ordering and then by the time I’m done I have an awkward amount food left, not enough that its worth the effort to pack up



When eating a lot of food I can maybe cut back on the meal i’m currently eating so there isn’t that awkward amount of food in the end and i can have enough food for leftovers the next day

I can snack less during the daytime so at dinner i can eat more food and less is gone to waste