Foods 12 Waste Plan | Rees Racho


There is a waste of food in my home because my parents will cook more food than needed, usually it works out and we are able to have the rest for leftovers the next day but not everything they cook tastes good the next day. I also personally see lots of friends food go to waste at school because they’re not hungry or they don’t want to eat a certain thing and its thrown away. Another thing is I usually get too much food when i’m ordering and then by the time I’m done I have an awkward amount food left, not enough that its worth the effort to pack up



When eating a lot of food I can maybe cut back on the meal i’m currently eating so there isn’t that awkward amount of food in the end and i can have enough food for leftovers the next day

I can snack less during the daytime so at dinner i can eat more food and less is gone to waste

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