Music Effecting Human Emotions – Rees Racho – Blog Log

This video caught my eye because of my passion for music. In the video Anthony Brandt gives two different pieces music and asks how you emotionally respond to it. Personally i found the first song quite sad and calming while I found the other one happy and upbeat. The first song was played in minor which today we associate with sadness and the second song was played in major which we associate with joy. He reveals afterwards that these both came from the same part in a play, the sad part where one of the character dies. Many today would find the music to be very off from what is going on in the play but back then it would make sense. Back when the play was made there was no emotional association with those two types of songs like we have today. This is mostly in western civilization because through the ages we started putting these emotions to songs. The video revealed to me how people feel emotions with music without even thinking it and how some might get different emotions from the same song. I feel smarter after watching this and i’m going to share its knowledge with friends and family.

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