Junk Food Assignment – Rees Racho


You can get A&W root beer at either A&W fast food joints or just at a grocery shop in the pop aisle. I love the taste and so whenever we have it in the house or i’m offered it at a friends house it doesn’t last long in front of me, this goes for all root beer but especially A&W’s root beer


Reasons why it is bad for me include:

  1. It has artificial sweeteners such as Acesulfame Potassium which have health concerns because they are linked to being carcinogenic (possibility to cause cancer)
  2. 170 calories in a 12oz pop can which i can easily drink with a meal, if i don’t stop myself from drinking more than one can (for example when i’m playing D&D with friends) i will drink as much as is given to me which is usually much more than just one can

Sources:                                                                                                                                                                                                      1. (http://www.fooducate.com/app#!page=product&id=7FD25DA8-E112-11DF-A102-FEFD45A4D471)                      2. (https://www.fatsecret.com/calories-nutrition/aandw/root-beer-(12-oz)/1-can)

Math Journal #2 and #3 – Rees Racho – June 4th 2017

#2 Journal – Question #7 page, 567

1) This question involves getting a question and finding how to graph it onto a grid. Ex: put y = 2x – 4 onto the graph provided

i found this problem easy because it didn’t have many big numbers and was pretty straight forward, this goes for the whole question of number 7. The one part in this question that took me a bit longer is plotting it in a domain and range but i still got that with relative ease. Math problems with plotting the slope y-int form are not a challenge for me and i can do the further ones that are given to me.

2) The x-intercept is where the function intercepts the x-axis. The y-intercept is where the function intercepts the y-axis.
When you look for the x-intercept given a equation, you set y = 0 then solve for x. Why is that?

you set the y-axis to 0 because that means all you’re left with is the x-axis and it requires no further factoring.

#3 Journal – Question #8 page, 605

This question states: After 7 days of heavy rainstorms, the water level in a river peaked at 2.85m above the regular level. Four days later the water dropped to 2.25m above the regular level. Assuming the water level falls at a constant rate, determine a function h(t) which describes the height of the river above regular level as a function of time. Take t = 0 at peak water level

This question made me think to begin with but from previous knowledge i knew that i had to find the slope first and put it into the equation

This question took me a while to wrap my head around and i had to look at the answer to find out if i was truly right but after a while i got it, further questions like this might be a bit of a struggle for me in the future.

May Reflection – Rees Racho – June 2nd 2017

lasagna Roll Ups 

I chose this lab because it was both fun to do and tasted great in the end. This lab was fun because it required you to do things without and not a lot of waiting (except for day 2). Things such as adding all the lasagna insides onto the pan and cooking that then rolling up the noodles, there was always things to do. In the end our product turned out great and tasted great (but i was also very hungry so my taste might’ve been skewed). The only problem that we ran into was that some of our noodles either had cracks in them or just had parts missing, this resulted in a few poorly rolled ones but it didn’t overall affect things too much. My group worked well together and just had a few distractions but that only resulted in a small amount of lost time, nothing too much. If we were to do this lab again the only change id want to make is make more rolls because the more the merrier.