Rees Racho Math Journal – May 12th

Im reflecting on question 3 page 479

The question is asking: Over the last 10 years, data was recorded for the number of cups of hot chocolate sold at BGB senior high school. It was found from the data that the warmer the weather, the less cups of hot chocolate were sold. The data can be modelled by the formula N(t) = 150 – 10t, where N(t) is the daily number of cups of hot chocolates sold when the average daily temperature is t degrees Celcius

the question made me do things like substitute (t) for numbers (average daily temperature) and figure it out, this is easy to me because its just following a equation

to further my understanding it gave me the number of hot chocolates sold then said to figure out the average temperature for that day, this was a bit harder but i still can do it with ease

question E had me find the lower limit of the domain which had me thinking for a while but i eventually figured it out

overall today’s lesson (lesson #10) wasent very hard

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