Who is credited for the discovery of Seaborgium?
Seaborgium is an element originated in 1974 by an American scientist Albert Ghiorso. Albert Ghiorso discovered this element and named it Seaborgium as a tribute to Glenn Theodore Seaborg a Nobel prize winner. Ghiorso was born in Vallejo, California and attend the University of California in Berkeley. He studied nuclear physics and assisted with the discovery of twelve chemicals that appear on the periodic table.
What is its main purpose?
Seaborgium is an element with a heavy mass of 266 u and an atomic number of 106. This element is found as a synthetic metal on the period table and is extremely dangerous. All synthetic elements are created by man and are never found in the environment. This enhances the level of risk because it is made out of bombarding californium with the mass of 249 along with oxygen ions with large masses. Sg is a very unstable element and is extremely radioactive. With that saying, this element has only produced some atoms and therefore has no value. This is why it is used for nothing else aside from in the lab for research purposes.
How did Ghiorso complete his research and completed this element? Did his location help his research?
Ghiorso was not the only one working on this seaborgium project. He and another group of scientists were working on this discovery and identified it at around the same time. The group who had announced it, to begin with, was the soviet team led by G. N. Flyorov and they were working at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research at Dubna. The soviet team had proclaimed they had found an isotope with a mass number of 259 created by different led and chromium. This element had a life of 7 milliseconds. Though this group had made an announcement to the public first, Ghiorso’s team had finished their research first. Their element had a life of 9 milliseconds and contained bombarding californium and oxygen ions creating an isotope with the mass of 263. With this in mind, the Americans came to the conclusion that Ghiorso would get the credit. Ghiorso was very lucky to have been where he was.
Video: All about Seaborgium
1. What question were used to research this topic?
Which research teams took part in the discovery of seaborgium?
Is seaborgium reactive or dangerous and what makes it this way?
How was seaborgium found and was it a man-made element?
Why did Ghiorso get credit for seaborgium?
Who was seaborgium names after?
Why is seaborgium not found in the environment?
What is the general use of seaborgium and it is used frequently?
Is seaborgium a common element?
2. What kind of digital tools were used to work on this project?
To create this project I used general information sites such as workbook online and online Encyclopedias. Those were found from the riverside library which helped since I knew those sites were already cited. I also used the thesaurus to find synonyms. The thesaurus is a very helpful tool because when writing in your own words, it is better to use different adjectives than the ones used in the article or information cite that you’re using. Grammar and spellcheck tools such as Grammarly are also useful because when typing fast you’re not paying much attention to the way you word what you’re saying and more on what you want to say.
3. What process was used to investigate this topic?
The general process I followed was to first ask questions. I would search up different questions and then look at the sites that came up. I would check the sites to make sure they were cited and then depending on whether they were I would proceed. After finding websites that worked I would read up on the topic and find as much information as possible and make a conclusion.
4. How was the verification process for the cites and information completed?
The way to tell if the cite had proper information was to see if this information was repeated. If the same information showed up on multiple cites that is a very good confirmation that the information is correct and not made up. I would also look at the sites and to be certain that they not only looked realistic but also they were cited.
5. How did the process of completing this challenge go? What are some improvements I can make in the future?
Depending on which element was chosen the challenges would vary. I faced challenges on lack of information. Information was difficult to find considering seaborgium can only be produced for seconds and it is not found frequently. Some improvements I can make in the future could be to use more sites to assure I collected as much data as possible.
Work Cited in MLA:
“Seaborgium.” Chemicool Periodic Table. Chemicool.com. 09 Oct. 2012. Web. 9/24/2019 <https://www.chemicool.com/elements/seaborgium.html>.
Hahn, Richard L. “Seaborgium.” World Book Student, World Book, 2019, worldbookonline.com/student-new/#/article/home/ar498310. Accessed 24 Sept. 2019.
Kenneth Barbalace. Periodic Table of Elements – Seaborgium – Sg. EnvironmentalChimistry.com. 1995 – 2019. Accessed on-line: 9/25/2019 https://EnvironmentalChemistry.com/yogi/periodic/Sg.html
seaborgium .” World Encyclopedia . . Encyclopedia.com. 25 Sep. 2019 <https://www.encyclopedia.com>.
https://www.storyboardthat.com used in video
Excellent information fluency post. I really like how you have found some great sub-questions to lead you to get a well-rounded perspective on your topic. You have done a great job sharing the digital tools you used and citing your sources. Good debrief on your product and process as well!
Thank you so much! I very much appreciate the compliment.