Float your boat

Today in science 10 we tested  how many pennies can we add to the boats before they sink?

our boat held 93

hypothisis: by tapping our straws, it will help hold the air above the water instead of water getting into the straws and weighing it down.

In my group, our boat managed to hold up 93 pennies which was the most in the class

reason why: it was because of the way we tapped our straws on the side, and because of the way we balances our pennies with in the boat. By doing so, nothing made it tip over. The only thing it could do was sink.

Next time if we were given the same matierials, I would try to shape the boat better so we didn’t have to work so hard to balance our pennies.

In the end, my hypothesis was correct. The way we tapped the straws did help our boat stay a float.



Math- factors

I did not understand factors at all before I started this class. Well I probably did but honestly forgot. Not gonna lie ahaha. Now I know that there are factors and prime factors! Prime factors are any number that can only be divided by its self and one! Some examples of prime factors are 2,3,5,7,11,13…. I now know how to find prime factors using a number tree and the other one.

Shakespeare workshop

We did a Shakespeare work shop in My English 10 class. Actors from bard on the beach came to our class to teach us about the play Much Ado About Nothing and learn about Shakespeare himself. I think it was an extremely fun way for us to learn about Shakespeare and his works because it was very engaging. The amount of positive  reinforcements  and encouragement was outstanding in the classroom and while I have to admit, it was outside of the comfort zone for some students, I believe that once we all got into it, and was a very enjoyable experience. I learned quite a few things in the workshop in a manner that did not feel like learning. I would recommend this activity for other English classes because it was lots of fun and a great way to learn about Shakespeare

The King is not for Sharing


Here is the edited version of my narrative essay. I have corrected all my mistakes.

Two things I did well,

  1. I really worked hard to use poetic devices
  2. My essay has originally 1700 words, and I shrunk it down to 980 words.

Two things I can improve

  1. I didn’t manage to include every aspect of my story into the essay
  2. I messed up on some of my punctuation and spelling.