Animal Farm Propaganda


The poster is well presented and shows several aspects of a good propaganda poster. The first aspect is name calling. On Mr. Jones, you can see hateful words such as: evil and abuser that will convince you that he is an antagonist. Fear is another aspect of the poster. It indicates that the side with Mr. Jones is a scary place and it will scare the animals, so they won’t want to stay with him. The third aspect is repetition. The word hell shows up a lot on the side of Mr. Jones. It puts the idea in the animal’s heads that being with Mr. Jones is a living hell. Plain folk is used in the poster two. There are multiple happy animals together and the animals that see this poster will be reminded that the happy animals were just like them. Similar to Plain folk is Bandwagon. By there being several happy animals on the freedom side, is portrays the sense of unity between the animals, and that other animals can join them. When you look at the poster you see a very happy side and a very unhappy side. When people see that, they would be convinced that they want the happy side. Who wouldn’t?