Textiles 12

Week 1 – September 9th
What would I like to investigate/make as a term-long project?

As a term-long project, I would like to make a hoodie jacket.

Oversized Hooded Jacket - Light blue - Ladies | H&M CA 苏京猫连帽开衫卫衣外套男生秋冬情侣装宽松休闲大码ins百搭运动拉链卫衣港风ins 浅灰色常规款XL【图片价格品牌报价】-京东 ins港风秋冬开衫卫衣外套男_热品库_性价比省钱购

What do I need to get started?

Fabric, Fibre, sewing machine, hoodie string, etc.

 How will I begin the project?

Firstly, I will do some research about how to make a hoodie jacket (Google, Youtube, etc.)

Secondly, I will prepared the materials that I need

Thirdly, I will start making the project

Self-Assessment and Reflection

What was my goal for this week?

My goal was to flashback my memories on how to use the sewing machine, because the last time I used a sewing machine was a long time ago, so I need to relearn how to use a sewing machine. 

What challenges did I face in completing my goal?

Do not have a sewing machine at home.

How did I adapt to the challenges, or what were my successes this week?

I tried to use my imagination to imagine that I was using a sewing machine even though I still confused.

What is your goal for next week?

My goal is to start learning how to make a hoodie jacket.


Week 2

What was my goal for this week?

To learn hand sewing or develop my hand sewing skill.

What challenges did I face in completing my goal?

Some kind of hand sewing might be hard for me.

How did I adapt to the challenges, or what were my successes this week?

I watched video and did some research.

What is your goal for next week?

I changed my inquiry to make a baguette bag, so hopefully can start design the bag

Week 3

What was my goal for this week?

Finish the hand sewing from last week

What challenges did I face in completing my goal?

Some kind of hand sewing might be hard for me.

How did I adapt to the challenges, or what were my successes this week?

I watched video and did some research.

What is your goal for next week?

Working on my inquiry.

Week 4

What was my goal for this week?

Finish sawing the bag.

What challenges did I face in completing my goal?

Sawing the thicker fabric.

How did I adapt to the challenges, or what were my successes this week?

I will ask people for help.

What is your goal for next week?

Design the bag that I want to make.



Week 5

What was my goal for this week?

Finish sewing my leather bag.

What challenges did I face in completing my goal?

The needle broken.

How did I adapt to the challenges, or what were my successes this week?

I asked Mx. Vittie for help.

What is your goal for next week?

Finish baby clothes.

Week 6

What was my goal for this week?

Finish my baby clothes.

What challenges did I face in complete my goal?

The sleeves are hard to make.

How did I adapt to the challenges, or what were my successes this week?

I tried to ask my friends for help and research how to make the sleeves.

What is your goal for next week?

Finish my baby clothes


Week 7

What was my goal for this week?

Finish my baby clothes.

What challenges did I face in complete my goal?

There was some holes in the clothes because I didn’t hold the clothes well.

How did I adapt to the challenges, or what were my successes this week?

I redo it and learn from the mistakes.

What is your goal for next week?

Work on my inquiry.


Life Below Water Research (31 October – Week 8)

Ocean creature that you might like to make in to a stuffy

I want to make a seal stuffy.


How is this creature effected by threats to the Ocean?

Seal had been effected by the plastic, fishing net, and even some toxic chemical liquid.



What are the solutions to the problems of this threat? 

To publicize the dangerous of the pollution, how the pollution will affect marine and even human. And use the social media to tell people what the ocean animals are facing, and suffering from the plastic and human.


Week 9

What was my goal for this week?

Do some research for the stuffy.

What challenges did I face in complete my goal?

I thought I can use the pattern from internet, but I realized that I have to make my own one.

How did I adapt to the challenges, or what were my successes this week?

Mx. Vittie said its fine.

What is your goal for next week?

Think about the nest project (Christmas).


Week 10

What was my goal for this week?

My goal for this week is to work on my live below water stuffy. I did some research on how to make a seal stuffy, and I started working on it.

What challenges did I face in complete my goal?

The challenge is that I didn’t know that some kind of fabric cannot use sewing machine. I cut the fabric out, but I used the sewing machine to sew the face part. The sewing machine sew the fabric super tight, so there is a super obvious mark on the face.

How did I adapt to the challenges, or what were my successes this week?

I Redo the whole face, then start trying hand sewing. Then I realized that hand sewing is not bad, the process is funny.

What is your goal for next week?

Keep working on my seal stuffy.

This is the one that I used the sewing machine (Has an obvious mark)

This is the one that I hand sewed (Looks better)


Week 11

What was my goal for this week?

My goal is start thinking about the Christmas gift and measuring my friend’s body length.

What challenges did I face in complete my goal?

I do not know what gift should I made for my friend.

How did I adapt to the challenges, or what were my successes this week?

I look at the pattern at school, and I found a dress that might suit my friend.

What is your goal for next week?

Continue working on my stuffy and Christmas gift.


Week 12

What was my goal for this week?

My goal in this week is to continue on my seal stuffy, I hope I can finish the eyes part, and start thinking about the next project (Christmas gift).

What challenges did I face in complete my goal?

This week, my sewing skill get better, I did not meet any challenges in hand sewing the stuffy. But I met some problem to looking at the information of the pattern.

How did I adapt to the challenges, or what were my successes this week?

I asked Mx. Vittie and my friend Eva and Google for help.

What is your goal for next week?

Continue working on my seal stuffy (Hopefully can finish the face) and Christmas gift.

Week 13

What was my goal for this week?

My goal in this week is to continue working on the Christmas gift for my friend. I hope I can finish cutting the fabric, then next week I can start sewing it.

What challenges did I face in complete my goal?

The fabric is wrinkled and it does not look well in some specific parts. And I am not sure if I can iron it, because I have never used this kind of fabric.

How did I adapt to the challenges, or what were my successes this week?

I asked Mx. Vittie if I can iron it, then I tried to iron it. Then fabric has no more wrinkles. But the only thing is that there is some marks that might affect the appearance, then I asked my friend if she mind, luckily, she does not mind about it.

What is your goal for next week?

Continue on my Christmas gift, sew the top part.


Week 14

What was my goal for this week?

My goal for this week is to finish the top part of the Christmas gift

What challenges did I face in complete my goal?

I realized that it is really hard the seal when I am sealing the not straight part. I kept accidentally sealed uneven and accidentally seal some other parts, so I had to keep redoing it, because of that, the piece that I cut before was broken, so I have to redo.

How did I adapt to the challenges, or what were my successes this week?

I earned some experience from all my mistakes, then I finally seal it correctly.

What is your goal for next week?

Finish the top part

These two are the mistakes that I made

Week 15

What was my goal for this week?

Continue working the Christmas gift.

What challenges did I face in complete my goal?

I did not understand the instruction, and I was confused how to continue the work.

How did I adapt to the challenges, or what were my successes this week?

I asked Mx. Vittie for help then I realized that I needed to make everything double. Then I successfully finished the top part of the dress.

What is your goal for next week?

Work on the bottom of the dress.


Week 16 – Jan 9, 2023

What was my goal for this week?

My goal in this week is to finish sewing the bottom part, also sew the top part and the bottom part together if possible.

What challenges did I face in complete my goal?

During sewing the dress, I accidentally broke the needle. And while sewing I made many mistakes such as didn’t pin the part correctly, and pinning myself, the biggest challenge that I have is that the instruction is too complicated (The part to sew the bottom and the top together).

How did I adapt to the challenges, or what were my successes this week?

I asked Mx. Vittie for help, then we find out how to sew these two parts together. The best part is that I finally finish 95% of the dress, which is a big improvement for me because the dress looks good after all the hard time.

What is your goal for next week?

Finish the hand sewing for the dress, and add the zipper. And finish the undersea stuffy.

A picture of broken needle

After sewing the top part, the middle part, and the bottom part together.

Week 17 – Jan 16, 2023

What was my goal for this week?

Add the zippers for the dress. Hand sewing the undersea stuffy

What challenges did I face in complete my goal?

The only challenge that I have is that I have some projects that I could not finish before since the garment gift project was too hard and it took a long time to finished.

How did I adapt to the challenges, or what were my successes this week?

I brought the stuffy home and tried to sew the face part at home. After sewing the face, it looks really cute. My biggest success is that I finally finished the garment gift. Also, I finished my underwater stuffy.

What is your goal for next week?

Complete all my projects.

This is the side face of the garment gift project

This is the front of my garment gift project

This is the back face of my garment gift project

January 17, 2023 – Life Under Water Project

This is before I put the cotton inside the stuffy

This is the front (face) of my stuffy after putting the cotton

This is the body part of the stuffy (The pink wire is entangled the seal, just like in the real life, the seals are suffering from the fishing net, many of them died from those human pollution. The purpose of adding the wire is to let more people know more about the pollution and the harmful effects of those pollutions to the seal).  If in the future, human can help those innocent ocean creatures to untie those “wires” which take away their freedom and even their chance to survive in the same world with us, the ocean creatures will no longer to suffer the pain anymore.

Final Inquiry Inquiry 

The Vest – (2023 Jan 20) By Rain Lam

This is the pattern that I drew according to my body measurements (The left piece is the back piece, the right one is the front piece)

After sewing all the part together, I flipped the good side out, and hand sewed

This is the vest that I finished every step. But I think it is better to add a button, so I hand sewed the button.

This is the final product of the vest.

1) What my initial ideas was?

At the beginning, my initial idea was to make a mini bag for myself.

2) If my idea changed, or was added to

But there was a mini bag project which is similar to this project so I think I should try something new instead of a mini bag. I realize it is better to make a gift for my mom who I haven’t seen for three years.  It was her birthday soon and she was sick few weeks ago, so I decided to make a vest for her to wear, so that she will not get cold easily, and when she miss me she can look at the vest.

3) What I learned the most from during the making of this project?

I learned that sometimes it is better to keep it easy. For example, for my garment gift project, my friend chose a super hard project for me to work on, which caused me a long time to work on, and many difficulties happened, I even accidentally hurt my finger. Even if the project turns out perfectly, but it is better to do what I can do, I should slowly work on something hard when I have enough strength.

The sock stuffy – (2023 Jan 19) By Rain Lam

This is the socks

I drew the shape of rabbit.

I sew the part that I drew, then cut it out, then flipped it inside out.

Then put the left over part of the socks inside the stuffy, just like the cotton. Then I hand sewed the hole which I used to flipped the inside out and shuffle the leftover socks inside the stuffy

Then, I sew the eyes and nose, and paint the blushes and ears. Then I used the same way to make a cat (It is a cat character from “Sailor Moon” called Luna), I also made Pikachu.

What I learned the most from during the making of this project?

After thinking of many clothes are being wasted just just being throw away to the garbage, I was thinking how to recycle those clothes, like the socks that are broken or cannot be donated. I realized that it should be reused and become a new project instead of being a garbage. After making this project, I learned that not everything is useless, I just need to find a better way to reuse it. No one will know how beautiful the “useless” socks can become


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